Jesus is the ROCK in our Relationships

Monday, December 29, 2014

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of our friends and family. Your lives bless us beyond measure and we are so very thankful for you! Much love and big hugs  ~ Shaun and Betsy

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Own Independent Way: The Hard Way 12-9-14

“Where no counsel is, the people fall: but
in the multitude of counselors there is safety.” Prv.11:14

“Without counsel purposes are disappointed: but
in the multitude of counselors they are established.” Prv.15:22

Hasty decision-making and overexposure to worldly advice and can lead one astray. “Cease listening to discipline, and you will stray from the words of knowledge.” Pv 19:27
(Knowledge: da’ath means discernment, understanding, wisdom)

Do you know anyone wrestling with this right now? Perhaps your “boat is rocking” and you, or a loved one, is feeling antsy in decision-making? May we learn to draw our security from the great stabilizers: Jesus, His Word, His Spirit in us, and His counsel through God-honoring counselors.  His discernment (or the lack of it) can make the difference between success and failure, victory and defeat.

“What sorrow awaits my rebellious children,” declares the Lord.
“You execute a plan, but not Mine, and make an alliance, but not of My Spirit.” Is 30:1 

“Be careful how you walk, not as unwise, but as wise.” Eph 5:15 
(Walk: peripateo means to regulate one’s life; Wise: sophos means
forming the best plans and using the best means for their execution.)

When we choose to follow our own independent way, are taking the hard way.

“Where no counsel is, the people fall: but
in the multitude of counselors there is safety.” Prv.11:14

“The rebellious dwell in a parched land.” Ps 68:6b

(2 biblical examples from Moses and King Josiah of Judah: In Ex 2:11-14, Moses, acted in haste and made a serious blunder, which in turn caused his reputation to be discredited and forced him to flee his home in Egypt. And in 2 Chr 35:22-24a, against God’s wishes, King Josiah insisted fighting a battle which in turn cost his life.)

This said, there are times when the Lord prompts us to act quickly.
(2 biblical examples from Abram and Paul: In Gen. 12:1 God tells Abram to without delay, leave his native country with his family and go to the land God would show him.
And in Acts 22:17-18 God prompts Paul to quickly flee Jerusalem.)

Regardless of “haste or no haste”, what matters to God is our submission to His promptings. (Versus following the path of our impulses)
Obedience and submission lead to His absolute best for us. (And “best” sometimes comes in the form of inner forte and divine insight!)

May God richly bless us as we follow His lead this week.
Much love and hugs,

Shaun and Betsy