Jesus is the ROCK in our Relationships

Friday, October 30, 2015

Who's on the Throne of my Life? 11-30-15

“The kings heart is like a stream of water directed by the Lord
Who guides it wherever He pleases.” Prv. 21:1

If God has allowed “it” (the person or situation that is causing me angst), He desires to do something great with it. Nothing, absolutely not a thing, slips through God’s hands unnoticed or by accident. Rest assured, if He’s allowed “it”, though “it”, He desires to conform us more and more into His image, give us greater understanding of Himself and this world, affect other lives for His glory, and prepare us for our heavenly reign with Him.
The question is…do you and I believe this to be true?

“Control” results when I grip what I think best. ~Note: “I” think best.
Truth: I must realize, then embrace the fact that I cannot have 2 rulers on the throne of my life. Either 1) God or 2) I will reign in the particular “moment of decision” to which I find myself.

Should I choose to surrender my grip on my own life (surrender my control), take my focus off the hurtful person(s) or circumstance, place it FULLY on God, I’ll discover that it’s in this “surrendered state” that God goes to work. ~Mentally rehearsing heartache keeps me in prison. Focusing on the hurtful person(s) or circumstance, rather than focusing on God, keeps me in the bondage of anger/resentment/confusion and control. In time, these negative thought patterns destroy me physically, destroy relationship and ultimately result in misgivings for God. It’s been said, “Control is a blaring declaration of my distrust of God.”

If God’s allowed “it”, there is a reason(s). IF I choose to embrace the pain (versus nurse the pain), with God being my sole focus, He performs radical things in and through me.
(E.g. Currently, ISIS is tearing apart the Middle East. Yet, despite the atrocities, many of the surviving victims are embracing Jesus Christ on a whole new level. These survivors of unimaginable horrors are turning the world upside down with their witness…loving their enemies despite their extreme losses (physical, emotional, relational, etc.)
For the love of Christ controls us.” 2Cor. 5:14
Although most of us reading this message are not facing ISIS today, might we be willing to take this God challenge? Are you willing to free your heart and mind, by allowing them to be controlled by the love of Christ and not self-appointed kingship?
If you’re up for the challenge, please reflect briefly on the situation or person that has your heart all knotted up. Then, release control, and place your name in the following blank:
“______’s heart is like a stream of water directed by the Lord
Who guides it wherever He pleases.” Prov. 21:1
Whoever believes in Me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water
 will flow from within them.” Jn. 7:38

Meditate upon these verses, wholeheartedly embracing His kingship over your life. The pain won’t totally vaporize, but indescribable freedom and peace await as we allow His kingship to guide us moment to moment. ~Remember this empowering spiritual equation: Abide in God…abiding leads to repentance…repentance leads to a deeper intimacy with God…intimacy leads to surrender…surrender allows the Spirit into the deepest crevices of our lives, which sets us free, changes us from within and brings joy to a desperate world.

May God bless us and keep us as we avail ourselves to His divine promptings this week!

Much love and hugs, ~ Shaun and Betsy