Jesus is the ROCK in our Relationships

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas dear friends.
Much love and big hugs,

Shaun and Betsy

Monday, December 16, 2013

Open-Handed vs Close-Fisted 12-16-13

“If we are unfaithful, He remains faithful,
for He cannot deny who He is.” 2Tim. 2:13

Do you have a habit, a girlfriend, a life-style, a job, etc. you’re clinging to?

God tells us if we choose to remain close-fisted, we will experience loss.

If you cling to your life,
you will lose it;
but if you give up your life for Me,
you will find it.
Matt. 10:39

When we cling to our feelings, desires, and affections
(Not open-handed with them before God),
we experience loss, both here and eternally.

Yet if we give up our feelings, desires and affections
(Open-handedness to God),
God promises us abundant life both here and through all eternity.

Life: psychē: the seat of the feelings, desires, affections, aversions, our heart, soul etc.; the vital force which animates the body and shows itself in breathing. 
Abundant: perissos: over and above, more than is necessary, superadded, superior, extraordinary, surpassing, more eminent, more remarkable, more excellent

Yes. In our humanness it’s uncomfortable and a bit daunting to release our grip, relinquish control, and completely trust God with the person, place, thing, ideal, thought or habit to which we’ve been clinging.

But let’s remember Jesus’ words:

“I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved,
 and will go in and out and find pasture.
 The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy.

 I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. I am the Good Shepherd.
The Good Shepherd gives His life for the sheep.” Jn. 10:9-11

Much love and hugs this blessed time of year!

Shaun and Betsy

Monday, November 25, 2013

Embracing Mission and Sub-Mission 11-25-13

“Not my will but Yours be done.” Lk. 22:42

God is readying a bride for Himself. In this “readying” process, each of us is uniquely called to distinctive “mission”, a smaller personal story lived out amidst His much larger more comprehensive story (Eph. 2:10).

At times, we are the primary “mission performer”, and at other times, we hold the “sub-mission” position in an overall operation.

Let’s look at the example of the husband/wife team, a unit designed by God to reflect a more complete image of Himself.
(Remember, Adam was created in God’s image, yet, when Eve was formed from his side, producing a more complete picture of the Godhead. Gen.1:26-27; 2:18, 20-24 …Then, when Adam didn’t fulfill his mandate to subdue the earth, and kill the seducing serpent, Eve fell prey to the snake’s deception, which caused them both to sin, fall from grace, and now, we all get to bear the penalty of their mishap. Part of the curse’s penalty is described in Gen. 3:16. Wives now have an unnatural desire to control their husbands, yet they are called to submit to them. ~The husband has an unnatural desire to dominate his wife, yet is called to love her as Christ loved the church and died for her….but this is for another day.)

Eph. 5:21 tells us that both husband and wife are called to submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. A great illustration of this submission arrangement is pictured in the Trinity itself: 1st Person is the Father, 2nd Person is Jesus, and 3rd Person is the Holy Spirit. All equal, yet each possessing very distinctive roles.
E.g.: Jesus shows this design in Lk. 22:42 and Jn. 16:14-15.

Likened to the Trinity configuration, God has called the wife to submit to her husband in the marriage configuration. The husband’s mission is to lead with love, wisdom and understanding, and the wife’s highly valued “sub-mission” is “helper”, the same term used for the Holy Spirit! (Gen. 2:18; Jn. 14:26)

In our modern days, the idea of submitting to authority of any kind is repulsive to an ever-increasing number of folks. Hence, anarchy is now happening inside the home to governments worldwide. ~Let’s remember, God is a God of purpose and order. Submission doesn’t necessarily have to do with smarts, talent or the like. “Submit”: “hypotassō” is a military term concerning the arrangement of authority and submission to authority.  Although a sergeant may be more intelligent/talented than his commanding general, this sergeant is called to comply with his commanding officer’s directives. This sergeant has a God-ordained “sub-mission” role.

Refusing to submit to authority sins against God’s very nature.
When we choose to embrace mission and sub-mission, life just works better.  Amen.

Big hugs this Thanksgiving week,   xo ~Shaun and Betsy

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Anesthetized... or Alert? 10-29-13

“As the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, so our minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.” 2 Cor. 11:3

As the serpent deceived (exapatao: to deceive; beguile)

Eve through his craftiness (panourgin: false wisdom, cunning, craftiness, subtilty)
So our minds (hymon: mental perception, thoughts, purposes)

May be corrupted (phtheiro: lead away from the state of knowledge and holiness to which he ought to abide and out of divine protection)

From the simplicity (haplotes: virtue of one who is free from pretense and hypocrisy;
 openness of heart manifesting itself by generosity; sincerity; honesty)

That is in Christ. (Christos: anointed; Christ the Messiah Son of God)

Scripture warns: As it was in the beginning with the deception of Eve and Adam, so will it be in the end with “the deception” of many of our
well-meaning family and friends.

“Of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them.”  Acts 20:30

“Evildoers and impostors will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.”2 Tim. 3:13

“…They did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. For this reason God will send them a strong delusion, so that they believe the lie.” 2 Thess.2:10-11

We believe we are currently amidst the deception of which Scripture warns.

This can be disheartening as we watch our world grow dark, yet there is MUCH HOPE.

God is in complete control.
(Job 38)
Nothing is catching Him by surprise.
(Jb. 37; 37:15-16)
He is still actively stirring hearts of kings.
(E.g.: the heart of King Pul 1Chr. 5:26 and King Cyrus Ez. 1:1)

One day every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.
(Is. 45:23; Rom. 14:11; Phil. 2:10-11)

“Do not keep talking so proudly or let your mouth speak such arrogance, for the LORD is a God who knows, and by Him deeds are weighed…Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil, who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness.”
(1Sam. 2:3; Is. 5:20)

This week, as we live amidst a culture anesthetized to sin, may we be found faithful and blameless in His sight. (Ps. 18:25)         
Much love, ~Shaun and Betsy

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Discernment in the Battle 10-22-13

“I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”
Phil: 3:14

Is knowing the Jesus of the Bible the ambition and course of my life?

Ezra 7:10 “For Ezra devoted himself to the study and observance of the Law of the Lord, and to teaching its decrees.”

Study “darash” means:

  • to seek with care
  • to seek with demand
  • to seek with application

Our Cleary family has experienced 3 significant, rather large “battles” this last week; each unrelated and distinctive, but each spiritual in nature, requiring great discernment.

Where do we gain spiritual wisdom and discernment?

Jesus tells us that these kinds of battles are “fought” in our prayer closets. Mk. 9:29.

So, following both Jesus’ and Ezra’s examples, we’ve been in fervent prayer as we pour over God’s Word (God never contradicts Himself, so answers to prayer will always be aligned with Scripture, not necessarily our feelings). And we continue to:

  • seek God with care (guard, protect, keep watch, treasure up in memory, preserve, and wait for His wisdom),
  • seek God with demand (candidly ask God to show/reveal His truths and the devil’s deceptions), 
  • and seek God with application (walk of faith, step where He guides us, even when particular steps don’t make “common sense”).

The journey is EXHILERATING!!!
God is counseling our hearts and minds in our waking hours, in our sleep, even waking us at odd hours with divine insights and stirring the hearts of numerous affected others. We are watching one miracle after another transpire…and all for His glory.

It is good for me to draw near to God.
I have put my trust in the Lord GOD,
That I may declare all Your works. Ps. 73:28

What trials are you facing this week?
“Be strong and of good courage; do not fear nor be dismayed. Seek the LORD your God
You will find Him if you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul.” 
1Chr. 22:13; Deut. 4:29

Much love and hugs, ~Shaun and Betsy

Monday, October 7, 2013

Knowing the Conditions 10-7-13

“Be sure to know the condition of your flocks,
Give careful attention to your herds.”  Prv. 27:23

Each of us has a “flock” and “herd” of whose condition we are to have thoughtful, meaningful, and intimate understanding.  For many of us Prv. 27:23 could read,
“Be sure to know the condition of your family, your kids, your spouse. Give careful attention to them.”

Do you know the true condition of the flock (s) to which God has put you in charge?

Here’s a brief example that illustrates a technique to objectively evaluate the condition of a husband’s heart that loves his wife as God intends:

Author J. Evans shares: “The countenance of a wife reveals the true character of a man. When we see a woman who is beaten down and vulnerable, we’re seeing the reflection of a man who is wounded—and who wounds those he loves. This is a man refusing to embrace his responsibility before God.

But when we see a woman who exudes confidence and security, a woman whose eyes shine with glory, a woman of poise and beauty and self-assurance, we’re seeing the reflection of a man who understands what it means to love and cherish his wife as Christ loves the church (Eph. 5:25)…Laying down his life to bring his wife to her full potential before God, holding nothing back.”

Again the question: Do we each know the genuine condition of the flock (s) God to which has put us in charge? (“Flocks” at work, our neighborhoods, in church, etc.)

Challenge for this week:
Humble ourselves and embrace Solomon’s example in Prv. 24:32, where, despite being the most powerful man in the world, “applied his heart to what he observed and learned a lesson from what he saw.”

(“learned a lesson” (muwcar) means to be disciplined, chastened, corrected)

In this case, Solomon 1) observed “his herd”, 2) humbly applied his heart to these objective findings, and 3) disciplined himself towards corrective action. ~How about each of us heeds his example this week?

(~What’s tragic for Solomon is that he chose not to be consistent with his own advise; time and again he made decisions that eventually led to his own demise. 1 Kgs. 11:3)

Here’s to consistency! 
In the trenches together,
Shaun and Betsy

Monday, September 30, 2013

Backflipping Faithfulness of God 9-30-13

God is my helper. The Lord keeps me ALIVE! 
Ps. 54:4

A couple weeks ago we addressed the topic of spiritual immaturity in a RR message titled “Don’t be a Dem as” (NO political intent whatsoever). To review briefly,
in his letter to the Colossians, Paul praises Demas for his faithfulness in Col. 4:14; yet flipping forward 6-7 years, in Paul’s second letter to Timothy (2 Tim. 4:10), Paul tells us that Demas had deserted him for “the loves of the world”.

What happened to Demas?
Whatever the particulars, it appears that Demas behaved in a shortsighted-world-embracing manner. Evidently, he refused to apply himself to the consistent use of scriptural truths (Heb. 5:14) and instead chose to adhere to more elementary teachings. In turn, this choice caused him to remain spiritually immature, and consequently, fall for the “loves of the world”. (Heb. 5:6 “parapipto” means to fall away, slip away, wander; deviate from the true faith, the worship of Jehovah)

Although he knew better, Demas allowed the worries of this life, the deceitfulness of riches and desires for other things choke the Word (Mk. 4:19). ~What is this called? Change the “e” to a “u” in Dem as and you’ll have a spiritual lesson.

Our God is FAITHFUL, may we not grow weary!

“He is the Rock, His works are perfect, and all His ways are just.
A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is He.” Deut. 32:4

Just this week our faithful Lord chose to answer two unrelated prayers, a 21-year-old prayer and a 29-year-old prayer, both answered within 24 hours of one another! Just like with Daniel in Dan. 10:12, God seems to be saying, “Since the first day that you Cleary’s set your minds to gain understanding and to humble yourselves before our God, your words were heard.”

“Your love, LORD, reaches to the heavens, Your faithfulness to the skies!
For I have always been mindful of Your unfailing love
And have lived in reliance on Your faithfulness.” (Ps. 36:5; Ps. 26:3)

Oh that we each remain faithful to Him in the troubled days that lie ahead.

Vibrantly alive in Him this week,
Much love, ~Shaun and Betsy

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Gumby Flexibility 9-24-13

“…Go to the place the LORD your God has chosen.” Deut. 14:25

God arranges and utilizes tailor-made scenarios’ to get our backsides out of “the familiar”, and out of our “precious routines”.

Generally speaking, just as we are feeling like we’ve mastered a particular arena of life, God breaks us out of the area where which we’ve become a bit too comfy.


To stretch and grow us, to mature us into His likeness; to keep us humble, dependent upon His strength and wisdom; to keep us agile and alert, attentive to His voice; to train us up, to develop spiritual muscle, fortitude and character; to keep us productive and able to relate effectively with others all the days of our lives, instead of becoming stagnant, old, and/or self-absorbed.

In under a year, we Cleary’s are facing “empty-nest”. After 25 years of having kids roaming the floors of our home, God is moving us onward to another chapter. What could be a depressing time for many couples (mid-life issues, male/female hormonal changes, etc. all hit around the same time as the kids leave), KNOWING that God is in complete control of our lives is exhilarating! ~Since the day we came to know Him personally, the Lord has always packed our lives with fulfilling purpose. So as we continue to follow His lead, we fully expect His exciting purposes for us in the future.

Yes, God breaks us out of what we are comfortable with and moves us into “trial places of surrender”. ~Our Lord is after relationship. He is preparing His bride (us) for “forever” in paradise. From breathing life into Adam to the wedding supper of the Lamb (Genesis to Revelation), the Bible is about our Lord preparing a glorious bride for Himself.

So today, are any of you feeling like Gumby, stretched out to a near breaking point? Either God is trying to teach each of us eternal lessons through keeping us flexible and dependent upon Him, or He’s making us so uncomfortable, we’ll choose to wholeheartedly come back to Him and prioritize our lives accordingly.

His loving pursuit never ceases.

“Surely Your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will live in the house of the Lord forever.” Ps.23:6

May we embrace the challenge He is allowing in our lives this week.
Much love, ~Shaun and Betsy

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Don't Be a "Dem as" 9-10-13

“Hear the Word, accept it, and bear fruit.” 
Mk. 4:20

Demas allowed the cares of this world, the deceitfulness of riches and desires for other things choke the Word (2 Tim. 4:10; Mar. 4:19). ~Let's not be akin to Demas and leave our first love for this captivating seductress.

May we not only hear the Word, but also truly accept it.
“Accept” meaning to acknowledge God’s words as our own, to take them upon our self, to receive God’s words as they are, not some twisted version to fit our fancies.

How about we explore a present day example:  The “twisted version-ing” of genuine love:
Most people agree, and time and history have proven that loving a child through permissive parenting doesn’t produce the most favorable teenager. True. But why? The bottom line: Permissive, tolerant, accommodating “love” isn’t TRUE LOVE at all,
and the teenager knows it!

True love embraces what is BEST for another, what’s actually in this child’s BEST interest, and not necessarily what “the child feels is best”.

~If a parent truly loves their child, the parent will NOT let little Johnny
do anything he wants, when he wants, how he wants and with whom he wants.

Makes sense, right?  ~Then why should genuine love be any different for adults (two year olds in grown up bodies)?

In today’s culture, many adults believe we should be embraced, even applauded, for doing what we want, when we want, how we want and with whom we want. And if someone questions our intent or actions, we scream “judge/terrorist/bigot/hater!” and demand our “rights”.
If this were a 2 year old, what would you call him? Uh-huh, exactly.

Interesting. Our culture demands that we don’t care about what’s in the best interest of another, merely that we embrace whatever feels best at the time for another, regardless of founded future costs and pain produced.

Well, contrary to societal standards, if you see Shaun or Betsy flirting with a captivating seductress, PLEASE speak up!  We do NOT desire to be “a Dem as”.

I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and in the sea.
They sang: “Blessing and honor and glory and power belong to the One sitting on the throne and to the Lamb forever and ever.” Rev. 5:13

Blessing and honor and glory and power are His, no one else’s. Jesus pours out unfathomable blessings to us as we live our lives to His glory …may this be our foundational reality this week.
Much love, ~Shaun and Betsy

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Don't Know What To Do? 8-28-13

“O our God, won't you stop them? We are powerless against this mighty army that is about to attack us. We do not know what to do, but we are looking to You for help." 2 Chr. 20:12

2 Chronicles 20 details an overwhelming, distressing and frightening time for the people of God. Armies of the Moabites, Ammonites, and some of the Meunites had declared war on Jehoshaphat (their nation’s king) and were marching against them.

Today, wars, rumors of war, natural disasters, and the acceleration of progressive moral decay are causing God’s people here in the USA, similar distress.

God’s words to His faithful people in Jehoshaphat’s day are for us at present:
  • Put our trust in the Lord (do not fear or be dismayed)
  • Keep our eyes fixed on Him (intimacy with our Maker)
  • Station ourselves (stand in our appointed positions as He directs)
  • Face our enemies when and how He commands

'Whenever we are faced with any calamity such as war, plague, or famine, we can come to stand in Your Presence before this Temple where Your Name is honored. We can cry out to You to save us, and You will hear us and rescue us.”
2 Chr. 20:9

This is what the LORD says: "Be just and fair to all.
Do what is right and good,
For I am coming soon to rescue you
and to display My righteousness among you.
Is. 56:1

Stay true to the Lord. We love you and long to see you. Phil. 4:1

Loving and living in and for Him,
Shaun and Betsy

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Nothin's Catching Him by Surprise 8-20-13

“God decided in advance to adopt us into His own family by bringing us to Himself through Jesus Christ. 

This is what He wanted to do, and it gave Him great pleasure.” Eph. 1:5

The embodiment of foresight:
God decreed from eternity, deciding before the foundation of the world, to appoint YOU to be adopted into His family.

The embodiment of love:
According to His own delight and great pleasure, 
knowing that He would have to purchase your freedom with the blood of his Son
He chose you (and us) to be His precious child, His beloved treasure.

The embodiment of achieving ultimate objective:
At the right time God will bring everything together under the authority of Christ
—everything in heaven and on earth. (Eph. 1:10)

What shall we say about such wonderful things as these?
If God is for us, who can ever be against us. (Rom. 8:31)

“You will hear of wars and threats of wars, but don’t panic.
Yes, these things must take place, but the end won’t follow immediately.
 Nation will go to war against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.
There will be famines and earthquakes in many parts of the world.
But all this is only the first of the birth pains, with more to come.
Then you will be arrested, persecuted, and killed.
You will be hated all over the world because you are my followers.
Many will turn away from Me and betray and hate each other.
And many false prophets will appear and will deceive many people.
Sin will be rampant everywhere, and the love of many will grow cold.
But the one who endures to the end will be saved.
And the Good News about the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, 
so that all nations will hear it; then the end will come.”
Matt. 24:6-14

“The Righteous do not fear bad news;
They confidently trust the LORD to care for them.” Ps. 112:7

The LORD says, "I will rescue those who love Me.
I will protect those who trust in My Name.” Ps. 91:14

Amen and AMEN!  Big hugs this week, Shaun and Betsy

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Bumpy Relationship? 7-30-13

“Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud.” Rom. 12:16
We Cleary’s have been helping out with a marriage conference, recently hosting a “couples adventure night” at the house. What a blessing. ~In talking with different individuals, it’s evident that every significant relationship in our lives is going to have “bumps”. But what appears to separate the good from the sad is in how we handle these bumps and grow (or not) in personal character.
God's ideals vs. the world’s ideals in marriage:
The world tells us marriage is about individual happiness here and now.
God tells us marriage, (the earthly “picture” of Christ and His bride), is about an individual’s holiness now and into eternity.
Pastor Evans says, “Society says marriage is about finding the right person. God tells us marriage is about being the right kind of person.”
Are you currently experiencing a bumpy relational road? Rather than continuing to pursue personal autonomy and rights, which ends with a 50+% divorce statistic, why not give God’s approach a try?
Two practical ideas that have worked for couples (and teens!) in disagreement:
Allow the person requesting “space” to have space (no disrespecting him/her by chasing after him/her just because you want harmony NOW.) ~Yet, with a respectful words and disposition, designate another time to meet to discuss.
Write down thoughts, and some time pass while praying over the situation and persons (self included) before adjusting wording as the Spirit leads. Then discuss written thoughts with the other person at the “agreed to” time.
Why don’t we scrap our egos, lose ourselves in loving and caring for one another, (“submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ” Eph. 5:21), and gain the promises that won’t disappoint? (2 Pet. 1:3-4; 2 Cor. 7:1)
In this thing together! Christ’s coming for His bride soon…may we be ready for Him.
Much love, ~Shaun and Betsy