Jesus is the ROCK in our Relationships

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

The Delusion 4-27-16

“They perish because they refuse to love the Truth and so be saved. For this reason, God sends them a powerful delusion so they will believe the lie.”
2 Thess. 2:10
A snare and trap is being set for believers of God today. God’s Word is becoming distasteful…God’s own kids are beginning to delude themselves into thinking that to love the way Jesus intends means to align themselves more with the way society “loves”, than what is in reality, best for a person from heaven’s perspective.

“Because iniquity shall abound, the love of many will grow cold.” Matt. 24:12
iniquity: “anomia” means the condition without law, violation of law; contempt
grow cold: “pycho” means to be made cold, grow cold; waning love

Embracing others no matter what, and at all costs is likened to your 2 yr old wanting to run across a busy street. Do you let him because that’s “his earnest desire”? Most likely, not. Facts are, he doesn’t comprehend the potential consequences. Yet from your vantage point, you do. From heaven’s vantage point: Many of us are rebellious 2 yr olds, desiring to run across a busy street, refusing to yield to God’s warning and protective hand, calling Him unloving and judgmental because we don’t get our way.

“They perish because they refuse to love the Truth and so be saved. For this reason, God sends them a powerful delusion so they will believe the lie.” 2 Thess. 2:10
delusion: “plane” means mental straying; error which shows itself in action, deceit and fraud

Many will refuse to believe what Jesus says about Himself, choosing instead to believe a politically correct version of God…(a similar “version of God” that the serpent successfully caused Eve to embrace in Genesis 3) All the while, many will mistakenly believe they are embracing love when in reality, they are separating themselves from Truth and Love.

How do we prepare for this delusion? Prv. 4:13 lays out a simple plan (not an easy plan, but simple):
“Hold onto instruction. Do not let it go. Guard it well. It is your life.”
Hold on: “chazaq” means to grow strong, prevail upon, be firm, be courageous
Let it go: “raphah” means to relax, withdrawal, sink down
Guard: “natsar” means to watch over, to keep close, blockade, guard
Life: “chay” means flowing (fresh water), reviving (of springtime), alive, active

In other words, “Grow strong, be courageous, be firm and prevail in God’s instruction. Do not relax, withdrawal or sink down. Watch over God’s Word and keep it close,
Guard it at all cost. For God’s Word is alive and active,
 flowing within you and reviving your soul.”

Job tells us a great truth: Submit to God and be complete, at peace, and safe with Him. In this way happiness and good things will come to you. (Job 22:21)

We’re all in this battle together!    Much love and hugs, ~Shaun and Betsy