“He did it to teach you that people need more than bread for their life; real life comes by feeding on every word of the LORD.” Deut.8:3
Isaiah records that the people of his day were ‘ever-hearing’ but never understanding...’ever-seeing’, but never perceiving...hearts calloused, ears dull, eyes closed to truth. Likened to society today, they thought they were truly living life, when in fact they were truly missing it. Ever feel like you are “missing it” in this life?
~~We all have expectations for our lives, and as little kids we had starry-eyed hopes and dreams for our futures. But somewhere along the way, many of us have lost this wonder and hopeful expectancy. What’s happened?
Have you ever paused to think that Jesus has expectations for our lives? Starry-eyed hopes and dreams for each of us here and now? If so, what do you think they are? (Recall Eph. 2:10; 4:1)
My Shaun and I have once again been exhilarated by the word “life” this week, and what this has meant in our daily living through the years. Take a look at these verses and promises that depict different meanings of the word “life”...perhaps you too will blessed as you meditate upon them!
“chay”: means reviving; active; flowing; fresh
- “Don't lose sight of my words. Let them penetrate deep within your heart, for they bring life and radiant health to anyone who discovers their meaning.” Prv. 4:22
- “These instructions are not mere words--they are your life!” Deut.32:47
- "Now listen! Today I am giving you a choice between prosperity and disaster, between life and death.” Deut. 30:15
- "Yes, God often does these things for people. He rescues them from the grave so they may live in the light of the living.” Job 33:29-30
- “Fear of the Lord gives life, security, and protection from harm.” Prv. 19:23
“chayah”: means to have life; sustain life; revive; preserve; continue in life; remain alive
- “Look now; I myself am He! There is no god other than Me! I am the one who kills and gives life; I am the one who wounds and heals; no one delivers from My power!” Deut. 32:39
- “LORD, sustain me as you promised, that I may live! Do not let my hope be crushed.” Ps.119:116
- “Leave your foolish ways behind, and begin to live; learn how to be wise." Prv. 9:6
- “Come back to the LORD and live!” Amos 5:6
- "Look at the proud! They trust in themselves, and their lives are crooked; but the righteous will live by their faith. Hab. 2:4
“zoe”: means absolute fullness of life, both essential and ethical, which belongs of God; an active, vigorous and blessed life, devoted to God
- “Life itself was in him, and this life gives light to everyone. The light shines through the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it.” Jn. 1:4-5
- Jesus replied, "I am the bread of life. No one who comes to me will ever be hungry again. Those who believe in me will never thirst.” Jn. 6:35
- “You have shown me the way of life, and you will give me wonderful joy in your presence.” Acts 2:28
- “...if the Holy Spirit controls your mind, there is life and peace.” Rom.8:6
- “The thief's purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give life in all its fullness.” Jn. 10:10
What does this mean to us? In this life (from birth to death) we can have abundant life (a spanking new energizing life) as we look forward to eternal life with Christ, all because our Savior gave His life as a loving sacrifice to redeem us to Himself. ~~We each are God’s masterpiece, and as we get to know Jesus better and beseech Him to make us wise with spiritual wisdom, Christ’s divine power gives us understanding and everything we need for living a godly life. (Eph. 2:10, 2 Pet. 1:3 and Col. 1:9) In short, when we lean, glean and obey, God blesses our socks off!!!!
Who doesn’t desire more of this kind of life? So here’s the question: If we want more of this kind of life...how have our attitudes and actions lined up lately?
God bless you this week! ~And for those of you near Santa Barbara, please join us at CCSB this Sunday at 9am for “The Freedom of Commitment!” 5 week series!
Shaun and Betsy