“’My son’, the father said, ‘you are always with me, and everything I have is yours.’” Lk. 15:31
Jesus, in Luke 15, tells three different stories of “lost things”: a sheep, a coin, and a son. When we hear this text, our minds generally focus on the “sin” aspect of the stories, specifically, the “naughtiness” of each. But what Jesus seems to be illustrating in these stories, is not so much the “naughtiness” aspect of sin, but the “separateness” aspect of sin. ~The sheep, the coin and the son were all “away” (or “separate”) from those who cherished them most. The sheep were separated from the shepherd, the coin was separated from its owner, and the son was separated from his home and father.
In each of these stories, something very valuable was lost, a grand search took place, and great rejoicing took place when ‘the lost’ was found.
As with our Lord, each one of us is immeasurably precious to Heavenly Daddy....and when we stray from Him, He calls out a divine search party to bring us home to Himself. ~~And when we do come home, He and His angels totally rock-out in celestial celebration!
Are you feeling alone? Perhaps could it be that you have been “going it alone”, living life to the best of your own ability? Or perhaps you are doing very well personally, but someone you love is ‘major league struggling’ right now? ~~Jesus is beckoning each one of us to Himself.
Remember the saying, we may be the only Bible some people will ever read. Folks will know the kind of Father we have when they see the love His kids live; the love of our Lord God in action.
So what do you say, for those of us who are currently living a life of joy and delight in Jesus, let’s “put on some divine skin” and touch someone else who’s hurting. We Cleary’s have had the best time this past week helping out the ‘hurting’ of our town by helping to provide for some basic needs both at our home and at local establishments in out community. Things like packaging hundreds of frozen chickens and stocking shelves, delivering items, wrapping gifts, loving on and praying with local families and individuals at our local Unity Shoppe and church.
~ And maybe, just maybe, through all of our ‘love in action’ (yours and ours), Jesus will be revealed in a way that causes another soul to come home! And for those ‘hurting’ who know Him personally, our love in action just may lift their spirit, give them hope, and meet a very real need. (After all isn’t this what we all desire?!)
We pray you have a treasured Christmas!
Much love,
Shaun and Betsy
In each of these stories, something very valuable was lost, a grand search took place, and great rejoicing took place when ‘the lost’ was found.
As with our Lord, each one of us is immeasurably precious to Heavenly Daddy....and when we stray from Him, He calls out a divine search party to bring us home to Himself. ~~And when we do come home, He and His angels totally rock-out in celestial celebration!
Are you feeling alone? Perhaps could it be that you have been “going it alone”, living life to the best of your own ability? Or perhaps you are doing very well personally, but someone you love is ‘major league struggling’ right now? ~~Jesus is beckoning each one of us to Himself.
Remember the saying, we may be the only Bible some people will ever read. Folks will know the kind of Father we have when they see the love His kids live; the love of our Lord God in action.
So what do you say, for those of us who are currently living a life of joy and delight in Jesus, let’s “put on some divine skin” and touch someone else who’s hurting. We Cleary’s have had the best time this past week helping out the ‘hurting’ of our town by helping to provide for some basic needs both at our home and at local establishments in out community. Things like packaging hundreds of frozen chickens and stocking shelves, delivering items, wrapping gifts, loving on and praying with local families and individuals at our local Unity Shoppe and church.
~ And maybe, just maybe, through all of our ‘love in action’ (yours and ours), Jesus will be revealed in a way that causes another soul to come home! And for those ‘hurting’ who know Him personally, our love in action just may lift their spirit, give them hope, and meet a very real need. (After all isn’t this what we all desire?!)
We pray you have a treasured Christmas!
Much love,
Shaun and Betsy