Jesus is the ROCK in our Relationships

Monday, December 12, 2011

Predicaments 12-12-11

“The LORD will perfect that which concerns me.” 
Ps. 138:8

Feeling overwhelmed or exhausted amidst a confusing circumstance or pickled relationship?

This frenzied season sometimes lends itself to heightened relational misgivings. Different passions, experiences, perspectives, gift sets, expectations, values and longings often collide during this time of year. And although love and understanding go a long way, they don’t necessarily heal the heart or fix the predicament.

God wants to heal and fix in a different realm first.

Ps. 138:8 tells us that God will perfect all things that concern us.

This week, let’s consciously choose to give our life back to the God who created it. Let’s allow Him to do some nurturing, healing and tweaking deep within, as we trust Him to help us navigate life’s tricky arenas.

And one glorious day, everything will come to full completion…every loose end will be tied up, circumstantially and relationally. Until then, God is at work wooing us to Himself, as He aligns our heart, mind, and soul with His own.

Love and hugs,
Shaun and Betsy