Jesus is the ROCK in our Relationships

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Just Passing Through 5-15-12

“Hear my prayer, O LORD! … For I am Your guest—
a traveler passing through as my ancestors were before me.”
 Ps. 39:12

While it is true that we are “just passing through”, we must not presume this means that we don’t have responsibility here and now.

Our life isn’t some kind of seed that has been haphazardly tossed on soil. To the contrary, each miracle of life (you) has been sown into soil by a pre-determined plan and a specified purpose, for this day, in this place, with these people, in this job, in this condition, at this moment. (Eph. 2:10; Acts 17:26)

Our life is to be LIVED (really L-I-V-E-D) where God has us right now.

Let’s pause and reflect on this question:
Where does God have me at this minute, at this hour?
(Physically, mentally, and with my interpersonal relationships)

If I truly believe what God says in His Word is Truth, then I must choose to believe that He has purposed and sown these moments of time in my life today.
(These trials are NOT here by accident or for His sick enjoyment.)

Owning this concept, our prayer now becomes, “Lord, help me navigate this very moment in YOUR strength, wisdom, love, understanding, insight, power, and courage, for YOUR purposes.”

Remember, as His Kids, we only have “tough and hard” until our dying breath, after that, there is only eternal joy … the struggle will be over forever. Worded differently, these years on earth are the only difficult hours we will EVER experience. (Even if we live to 100, this is nothing in scope of eternity!)

And yet, our reward is directly tied to how well we overcome the difficult “opportunities” God allows in our lives, mentally, physically and relationally.

As with Solomon and Haggai when building His Temple, God said, “Be strong and do the work”… Today, our bodies are His Temple, and He says, “Be strong and do the work, your work will be rewarded. I am coming soon and My reward is with Me.” (2 Chr. 15:7; Rev. 22:12)

Growing in Him,
Shaun and Betsy