Jesus is the ROCK in our Relationships

Monday, September 17, 2012

Heatin' Up 9-17-12

Jesus desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. For there is only one God and one Mediator who can reconcile God and humanity—the man Christ Jesus. 1 Tim. 2:4-5

This week, an Iranian Muslim man came to Christ.

What a thrill it was to witness this middle-aged shop owner lift his head upward to heaven and shout aloud these words (in front of customers and employees):  
"Jesus Christ come into my life and be my Lord and Savior!
... I am a sinner! ... Forgive me of my sins! 
I want You as my God and Lord of my Life! .... 
Do you know how lucky we are? Why you (Betsy)? Why me?
Praise You, Lord Jesus Christ…

Of course, this is the SHORT story. The longer version is even more thrilling!

~Despite current events Jesus is alive and well, and people are coming to a salvational knowledge of Him like never before. ~Just last week in our small sphere of influence there was a Jewish later-aged woman and a college-aged boy in addition to this Muslim man.

Christ shares:
"This is the will of Him (the Father) who sent Me (Jesus),
 that everyone who sees the Son and believes in Him may have everlasting life;
And I will raise him up at the last day." Jn. 6:40

~Sharing Jesus’ love and truth…
What a thrill…what a privilege...what a responsibility.

The world is ‘heating up’ fast. He is coming for us so soon. (Matt. 24; 2 Thess. 2)

We treasure your prayers for our new brothers and sisters.
Living for Him in His arms of love,

~Shaun and Betsy

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Summer 2012 Couples Events

Dare to Swim Upstream 9-11-12

“The waters that come down from upstream,
and they shall stand as a heap." Jos. 3:13

As with the Jordan waters, one day, God will cause the anti-God streams of society to “stand as a heap” and acknowledge Him for Who He is. Until that day, we each have responsibility.

Take our 3 kids for example:
One’s in high school, one’s in college, and one’s a college graduate in the work force.

Each is fearfully and wonderfully made.
Each has an exclusive call on and divine purpose in this life.
Each has unique instruction for this specific season in life.
Each of their environments is distinctive.
Each of them has a unique temperament, talents, abilities and life-stories.
And each has a daily choice to believe or not to believe in God’s plan, and to take (or refuse to take) the necessary steps to fulfill this plan.

~~And although dad, mom and others offer great advice, our 3 must ultimately look to God for direction navigating life and answer to God for steps taken (or neglected).

The same for each one of us.

With an attitude of love and reverence to God, let’s choose to ‘live purposeful’, and celebrate the Lord’s goodness in this life.

Even if our disposition is ‘the quiet sort’, let’s be ‘deemed weird’ and dare to swim upstream against the current of an ever-increasing anti-God society.

“The joy of the LORD is your strength…celebrate with great joy.”
Neh. 8:10-12

Living for Him,
Shaun and Betsy

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Break and Play 9-4-12

The world and its desires pass away, but the man
who does the will of God lives forever. 1Jn. 2:17

It’s football season once again. And whether or not you are a football fan, we all agree that the first secret of success on the football field is to break the huddle and play the game.

The secret to successful living is no different.
Simplified formula for team play: Get on the team, develop a strategic game plan with the Coach, “train” diligently with deliberate focus, then, wholeheartedly play the game as the Coach directs.

This formula is no different for the Believer.
Whether one’s “game” is:

  • Tim Tebow, allowing God to use his talents on a high profile NFL platform;
  • OR dear family friends recently adopting a girl from the sex traffic industry;
  • OR investing in the real-life needs of a co-worker;
  • OR sharing Jesus’ love with our airplane/bus seat mate;
  • OR observing a need and filling it with whatever God has personally blessed us with….
…Each of us has a unique call on our life, intended by our Creator to be played out for His team, according to His game plan, in this game of life.
(~Played out, not hidden and protected in some kind of “holy huddle.”)

We are called to be in the world!
(Yet, we are not to be of the world. Remember, Jesus visited “shadowy” places not as a wild-haired partaker of darkness, but as a love-filled witness to the Light, and He calls us to do the same.)

~~And with regard to sharing the John 3:16 message, the coolest thing is this: “Success” is not measured in another’s response to the Message. No, success is measured in how well I obey God’s promptings to deliver His Message in word and deed. ~The “results” are God’s business, His deal; and thus, the “heat” is off us.

Playing “the game” this week for His glory! He’s coming soon.
Much love,
Shaun and Betsy