Jesus is the ROCK in our Relationships

Monday, October 22, 2012

Divine Hunger Games 10-22-12

“Now devote your heart and soul to seeking the LORD your God.”
1 Chr. 22:19

God always has a “soul lesson” to impart to us amidst a trial.

Amidst our soul lesson, God trusts us with His divine wisdom to the degree that we know His heart.

We fall into deception when we don’t seek to understand the true heart of God, but choose instead to embrace our ideas about the heart of God and make decisions based on our own feelings.

Example: Each of us has at least one someone/something in our life that has caused (is causing) us pain. When interacting with this person/circumstance, we have choices to make. Probably the biggest choice is whether we follow our gut (feelings) or whether we choose to ask God to fill us with His heart for this person or circumstance, and then follow His promptings moment to moment.

Probing questions:
How do I get to know God better?

Well, if someone wants to get to know me better, the best way to do this is to hang out with me. So, if I want to understand God better, I may want to hang out with Him. The more I get to KNOW God’s heartbeat, the more I fall in love with Him and am saddened to hurt Him. ~I will no longer covet merely His power and miracles, but I will yearn for the stuff that He deeply desires.

How do I hang out with God?

Read His love letters, pray to Him with the help of His Holy Spirit within, worship Him in His creation, and learn more about where He resides.  ~We gain God’s perspective on this world when we better understand His world.

~A neat way we Cleary’s have been hanging with God lately is viewing or reading accounts of heaven (and also hell), providing us a atypical perspective on ‘our here and now’. Here are a few neat YouTube links:  

All of us “get” that living for God amidst enticing indulgences is not easy, and embracing lessons (vs. evading pain) amidst our current challenge is even more difficult. … But God isn’t in the business of fixing our troubles! He’s in the business of revealing Himself to us as we live through life’s difficulties.

In order to live for Him, our desire for God’s happiness must become more alluring than what the world (or our flesh) is offering.

Let’s endeavor to really KNOW Him better this week.
Check out this link!  

Much love,
Shaun and Betsy