Jesus is the ROCK in our Relationships

Monday, December 10, 2012

Seek Understanding, Time is Short 12-10-12

“God reconciled us to Himself through Christ
And gave us the ministry of reconciliation.” 2 Cor. 5:18

What is the “ministry of reconciliation”? The dictionary describes reconciliation as “an adjustment of a difference; restoration to favor; atonement”. So, the ministry of reconciliation effectively means “to put our faith into action by seeking to habitually restore relational damage”.

Personal example: (Preface: Jesus must be coming soon or we Cleary’s are “going Home” soon, because these kind of events don’t “simply occur”, they’re “God orchestrated”.)
Within a ONE-week timeframe 5 individuals, who reside near and FAR, have “popped” back into our life. What was their common thread? An unresolved relational issue. What transpired? Each of the 5 separate relationships has miraculously been restored to a position of forgiveness and much understanding.

Jesus tells us this, “If you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your sacrifice there at the altar. Go and be reconciled to that person. Then come and offer your sacrifice to God.” Matt. 5:23-24

Yes, Jesus tells us to do a lot of difficult things. But in the heat of the moment, when push comes to shove, what might make us want to do the “it” in our own life the way Jesus advises? The primary motivation for us these days is His soon and coming return as Matthew 24 forewarns.

World events are indeed “cooking up” rapidly. From global physical calamities (like hurricanes, earthquakes and predicted astronomical cataclysmic events), to our vast moral decay (like the entertainment industry’s unquenchable quest for lust, or aggressive public demands for specific “rights” that God condemns; or lies and deceit being honored in our highest offices), to the rise of hatred towards Israel by all nations (like the latest UN vote to split Israel and surrounding nations committed to her annihilation; or Russia supplying Iran who in turn supplies Gaza, etc.); to recent strides towards one world government (like numerous current UN sanctions designed to strip all countries of self-governance akin to taking over the internet, etc.); to strides towards one world religion (like Islamic predictions that the Mahdi will return within the year and bring the “peace of Islam” to all nations which they believe will be brought about by worldwide chaos, created by worldwide jihad); etc., etc. (For more in-depth info. study Gen. 10 with Ezek. 37-39; Dan. 11; Ps. 83; Matt. 24 with 1Thess. 4-5, 1Tim. 4; 2 Tim. 3-4; and Rev. 17-22)

It’s time to get our lives in order. God has given us the “end of days road map”, laying out detailed “signs” over and over and over again in His Word. He deeply desires us to know these signs and then to order our lives accordingly.

We implore you on Christ's behalf: Be reconciled to God. 2 Cor. 5:20

With the things of God, may we choose not be apathetic or complacent this week!

Much love,  ~Shaun and Betsy