Jesus is the ROCK in our Relationships

Monday, May 20, 2013

Tutored by the Kids 5-20-13

“Fix these words of Mine in your hearts and minds… Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.”    Deut. 8:18-20

“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old,
he will not depart from it.” Prv. 22:6

These days, what joy and blessing we (as parents) repeatedly receive from our adult sons as they personally experience the truth of God’s promise in Ps. 24:14:  

The Lord confides in those who fear Him; He makes His covenant known to them.”

One profound yet brief example we’re honored to share with you is the finding from one of our son’s recent discoveries. (Although he’s not the only researcher to have mined this treasure, the Spirit revealed Truth to him as if he were the first. ~The same assurance God promises all who wholeheartedly search for Truth.)

  • Utilizing research from 4 sources, our son studied the names of men cited in Genesis 5 and Lk. 3: 34-38         
  • Next, he recorded these name definitions in sequential order.
  •  His discovery: the names themselves tell the Gospel message.  What a God!

We thought we’d share this Genesis 5 Gospel message with you:

Man (Adam) acquires (Cain) breath (Abel), and is appointed (Seth) mortality and sickness (Enosh). The Possessor, Purchaser, Blessed God (Cainan/Mahalalel), will descend (Jared), being dedicated to bring His death (Enoch and Methuselah). He will be made poor and low (Lamech). He will bring comfort, repose and consolation (Noah) to His people. His name will be renown (Shem), a “Healer, a Releaser” (Aphaxad) and “Purchaser” (Cainan). With outstretched arms (Shelah), He will pass across the great two parts (Eber). He will divide (Peleg) ‘the friends of the Shepherd’ (Reu 1) from ‘the evil and miserable’ (Reu 2), who will be bound as branches (Serug) to be burned (Nahor). The Spirit (Terah: dove, wind, breath, spirit) will rest on the father of many nations  (Abraham) – all those who are a part of the covenant of God.” (Abraham: the center of the name meaning ‘to cut covenant’; Abram was changed to Abraham in Gen. 17:5)

Our son’s exciting conclusion: These texts, written over thousands of years, is a divine message of love and redemption, written by the hand of God Himself (mere man could not have arranged this), to both a people living long before Jesus came to earth through our present day.

~What a humble privilege it has been to raise and launch 2 of our 3 kids into independent adulthood. …And what blessing God is now giving us by allowing these young adults to profoundly minister back to us.

He is coming soon, may we all be found faithful and ready!  ~Shaun and Betsy