Jesus is the ROCK in our Relationships

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Bumpy Relationship? 7-30-13

“Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud.” Rom. 12:16
We Cleary’s have been helping out with a marriage conference, recently hosting a “couples adventure night” at the house. What a blessing. ~In talking with different individuals, it’s evident that every significant relationship in our lives is going to have “bumps”. But what appears to separate the good from the sad is in how we handle these bumps and grow (or not) in personal character.
God's ideals vs. the world’s ideals in marriage:
The world tells us marriage is about individual happiness here and now.
God tells us marriage, (the earthly “picture” of Christ and His bride), is about an individual’s holiness now and into eternity.
Pastor Evans says, “Society says marriage is about finding the right person. God tells us marriage is about being the right kind of person.”
Are you currently experiencing a bumpy relational road? Rather than continuing to pursue personal autonomy and rights, which ends with a 50+% divorce statistic, why not give God’s approach a try?
Two practical ideas that have worked for couples (and teens!) in disagreement:
Allow the person requesting “space” to have space (no disrespecting him/her by chasing after him/her just because you want harmony NOW.) ~Yet, with a respectful words and disposition, designate another time to meet to discuss.
Write down thoughts, and some time pass while praying over the situation and persons (self included) before adjusting wording as the Spirit leads. Then discuss written thoughts with the other person at the “agreed to” time.
Why don’t we scrap our egos, lose ourselves in loving and caring for one another, (“submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ” Eph. 5:21), and gain the promises that won’t disappoint? (2 Pet. 1:3-4; 2 Cor. 7:1)
In this thing together! Christ’s coming for His bride soon…may we be ready for Him.
Much love, ~Shaun and Betsy