Jesus is the ROCK in our Relationships

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Gumby Flexibility 9-24-13

“…Go to the place the LORD your God has chosen.” Deut. 14:25

God arranges and utilizes tailor-made scenarios’ to get our backsides out of “the familiar”, and out of our “precious routines”.

Generally speaking, just as we are feeling like we’ve mastered a particular arena of life, God breaks us out of the area where which we’ve become a bit too comfy.


To stretch and grow us, to mature us into His likeness; to keep us humble, dependent upon His strength and wisdom; to keep us agile and alert, attentive to His voice; to train us up, to develop spiritual muscle, fortitude and character; to keep us productive and able to relate effectively with others all the days of our lives, instead of becoming stagnant, old, and/or self-absorbed.

In under a year, we Cleary’s are facing “empty-nest”. After 25 years of having kids roaming the floors of our home, God is moving us onward to another chapter. What could be a depressing time for many couples (mid-life issues, male/female hormonal changes, etc. all hit around the same time as the kids leave), KNOWING that God is in complete control of our lives is exhilarating! ~Since the day we came to know Him personally, the Lord has always packed our lives with fulfilling purpose. So as we continue to follow His lead, we fully expect His exciting purposes for us in the future.

Yes, God breaks us out of what we are comfortable with and moves us into “trial places of surrender”. ~Our Lord is after relationship. He is preparing His bride (us) for “forever” in paradise. From breathing life into Adam to the wedding supper of the Lamb (Genesis to Revelation), the Bible is about our Lord preparing a glorious bride for Himself.

So today, are any of you feeling like Gumby, stretched out to a near breaking point? Either God is trying to teach each of us eternal lessons through keeping us flexible and dependent upon Him, or He’s making us so uncomfortable, we’ll choose to wholeheartedly come back to Him and prioritize our lives accordingly.

His loving pursuit never ceases.

“Surely Your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will live in the house of the Lord forever.” Ps.23:6

May we embrace the challenge He is allowing in our lives this week.
Much love, ~Shaun and Betsy