Jesus is the ROCK in our Relationships

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Resting as He Stands 5-20-14

“She turned to leave and saw 
someone standing there.  It was Jesus.”  Jn. 20:14

Are you amidst an ocean of trial? Overwhelmed and sinking? ~Between the sets of “trial waves” a simple breath is akin to sucking air out of a straw while choking on salt water, whilst pining for instantaneous remedy?

Alas, aside from hearing a trumpet blast and being raptured to heaven, there’s no “magic wave of a wand” that will make all perfect. But this does NOT mean give up.

If we’re to endure this season (and come out stronger on the other side), we’re wise to bear in mind that God always has purpose in trial. If God has allowed “it”, He’s allowed “it” for a reason(s)…for ultimate good, not evil. With these higher purposes in mind, perhaps we can find comfort knowing Jesus is standing by our side amidst our shaking.

We Cleary’s have found a comforting truth recently:

Sometimes Jesus stands: “yatsab” stationing Himself by our side as a friend and guide during a season when we’re exhausted, confused, overwhelmed, or simply “being called” (like with Moses and Samuel: Ex. 34:5; 1 Sam. 3:10)

At other times Jesus stands: “histemi” establishing Himself immovably as our protector, provider and avenger (like with Mary and Stephen Jn. 20:14; Acts 7:56)

Still, in other occasions He stands: “amad” as our Righteous Ordainer, the enduring, steadfast Holy One who remains forever faithful (like with Israelites Ex. 17:6; Ps 105:10)

Indescribable comfort and peace await those who choose to “rest” in the arms of God. What does “rest” mean, you ask?  Among the many ways, here are two:
One avenue is simply choosing to believe God at His Word regardless of circumstance. (Remember, in order to believe God at His Word, we have to know God’s Word, invest time in, meditate on, pray over and sing out His Scriptures.)

Another avenue is through the intercessory prayers of others. A friend told us recently, “When you are too exhausted to pray much more than, ‘help, Lord’, that’s when you rest in the prayers of faithful friends.” Amen.

Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for Him…God has told his people, ‘Here is a place of rest; let the weary rest here. This is a place of quiet rest.’”   Ps. 37:7; Is. 28:12

Love and hugs,  Shaun and Betsy