Jesus is the ROCK in our Relationships

Monday, May 17, 2010

Integrity: Let's Keep Ours! 5-17-10

Just say a simple, `Yes, I will,' or `No, I won't.' Your word is enough... Matt 5:37
This verse used to bother me a bit, because it seemed so simple that it was almost meaningless. OK, I get it… don’t make big fancy vows. Right? Well, sort of. Managing your transactions with people effectively is really an issue of integrity. Let me explain with a simple example: Have you ever invited a friend to a party, ministry event, or a business meeting only to be told, “I’ll try and make it…” or perhaps worse, “I swear I’m going to be there this time…” What percent of the time do they actually show up? Approximately zero.
In reality, we can all relate with this, because as busy people, we have dozens of genuinely good things clamoring for our time & attention. With so many work, family, church and social items on our ever growing “To Do List”, it’s easy to fall into the trap of saying something other than a simple Yes, or No, when we’re asked to do something.
I experienced this recently when I was torn between three really great invitations for a weekend when Betsy & the kids were going to be gone. Rather than sit home alone, I had the chance to play golf with some very important clients, to play water polo with some old friends at Master’s Nationals, or to visit my brother in Texas. I was really torn, because they would all be fun; they are all important in different ways; and people were depending on me in various capacities. All were good, productive opportunities the Lord had put in front of me.
1. Mission: Do we understand God’s “job description” for me at this point in my life? Or as Rick Warren puts it, do we have a Purpose Driven Life? At various times in my life any one of these three options could be God’s anointed priority for me, but I need to be in touch with where He’s leading me now. After all, it’s His mission, not ours. We’re just privileged to be invited to join His employment here on earth. When we get this down we’re more than half way there. Opportunities either fit, or they don’t – most of the time that is…
2. Trust: Sometimes we have to choose between several equally good things. “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” Rom 8:28. Usually I recall this verse when something really bad has happened, but it applies to us when “buyer’s remorse” sets in over a choice we have made. Maybe I should have gone to the business meeting, or maybe I should be home with my family right now? We all know that queasy feeling… But if I have made a choice with prayerful consideration & wise counsel, I can trust God to work things out according to His plan – even if it seems like I made the wrong choice.
3. Peace: Sometimes we have to make an unpopular choice. In Ps. 25:20-21, David expresses our fears, “Do not let me be disgraced, for I trust in you. May integrity and honesty protect me, for I put my hope in you.” and Prov. 13:6 promises us that “Righteousness guards the man of integrity…” How cool is that? The Lord truly has my back!!!
4. Work: Personally, I like what Thomas Edison has to say about this subject. “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” Don’t be afraid to go out and get stuff done. Twice Proverbs exhorts us not to make excuses in 22:13 & 26:13 “The lazy person is full of excuses, saying, ‘If I go outside, I might meet a lion in the street and be killed!’"
Enjoy the coming week and all the good opportunities and decisions coming your way as we transition into summer!
Shaun and Betsy