Jesus is the ROCK in our Relationships

Monday, February 28, 2011

After the Thrill, then What? 2-28-11

“…Earnestly I seek You; my soul thirst for You, my body longs for You.” Ps. 63:1

David’s life is a great example for us regarding this kind of dependence (what to do) and of self-reliance (what not to do). ~David was hoisted into fame at an early age. His new found notoriety was neat for a while, but soon David's fame inflamed David's jealous king . It was while running for his life from this mad-man, King Saul, that David penned this verse: “O God, You are my God, earnestly I seek You; my soul thirst for You, my body longs for You, in this parched and weary land.” Ps.63:1

How did David’s Lord respond to his plea? God provided protection, sustenance, and companionship within each grave situation to which David found himself. ~~David’s needs were met spiritually, emotionally and physically when he chose to continually seek God with whole-hearted dependence.

Here in the United States today, we may not find ourselves running for our literal lives like David or present day believers in Sudan, but God and His principles are the same: “I am the Lord, and I do not change.” Mal.3:6. ~~ So right now, today, the question is still the same: With our personal nuisances, heartaches, catastrophes, AND blessings, are we choosing to seek God with all of our heart, mind, and strength in a very literal way? Or in actuality, are we self-reliant, choosing to put on the 'Christian guise" and give God mere lip-service, all the while duping ourselves most of all?

Personal example: Saturday was a day of heightened emotion as we Cleary parents got to witness our daughter and her high school water polo team secure a national championship victory with their 67th consecutive win.

To say there was “excitement” at this game would be quite an understatement. ~But just 2 short days later (today), as the saying goes, “all things that go up must sooner or later come down.” 

It is so fascinating to observe how individual players, parents and fans are making the transition from “HIGH” back to “normal”. ~And the ease or difficulty of this process, appears to be directly correlated with where each person has chosen to place his or her trust, security and happiness. (In God? Or in something other than Him, no matter how noble?)

Even we Cleary’s regretfully discovered ourselves acting like adult infant-wankers yesterday as Shaun headed out on another business trip. Thankfully it was short lived. (During Shaun’s long drive and Betsy’s yard work, God spoke individually to both of our hearts something to the effect, “You are BOTH big babies…not one or the other, but both of you. S&B, grow up. Put down your pride, pick up that phone and get it right between you 2 NOW!”) ~Gratefully, we both do cultivate a vibrant relationship with God and we both sensed His chastening. And literally, within the 1st 5-10 sec. of our phone conversation, we were joyously restored.

The point? Circumstances may differ or change from generation to generation and culture to culture, but God and His principles do not. Just like with Uzziah, when we seek Him with the big and small areas of our lives, He will be found by us, and He will grant us success. 2Chr. 26:5.

Big hugs,
Shaun and Betsy

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

How Can I Keep Silent? 2-22-11

“But Peter and John replied, ‘Do you think God wants us to obey you (the religious leadership) rather than Him? We cannot stop telling about the wonderful things we have seen and heard." Acts 4:19-20

Peter and John could not be silenced. Despite the threat of being beaten, imprisoned and death, they had simply witnessed too much to deny it all now. ~And apparently so had the religious leaders as they asked themselves, “What should we do with these men? We can’t deny they have done a miraculous sign, and everybody in Jerusalem knows about it.” Acts 4:16

2000 years later, worldwide, this equation is the same: Christ-followers that have simply witnessed too much and cannot stay silent vs Christ-haters that are intent on silencing them/us.

A personal story: Friday late afternoon, we Cleary’s happened into a SoCal coffee shop in to escape the rain and hail outside. Shaun and I had just sat down with our coffee in hand when I overheard a woman behind me exclaim, “I know there is a god. I know I can talk with god. But I don’t know much else, and my life is so messed up.”

It was less than a minute prior that I had just opened my bible for some personal “filling”. My chair sat 2-3 ft. away from this woman’s voice, and as I sat, I heard another female voice answer the 1st, giving me a pit in my stomach.

My heart then began beating quite hard as I looked up wide-eyed at my Shaun, but he was busy checking e-mails and had completely missed what I had unintentionally overheard. But God had heard, and quickly spoke to me words to this effect: “Betsy, DO SOMETHING NOW… I’m right here with you”. ~~My mind started to race, “What to say (if I do), Lord?...What if this other women is trying to convert this young searcher to something other than knowing Jesus, and makes a scene if I say something contrary to her agenda?...What if the young seeker reacts poorly and I’m made a fool in this capacity-filled coffee shop?...etc. etc.”.

Right then, Jer. 29:11-14 came to my mind, and I felt prompted to write it down on an index card. ~So I did, adding “Jesus” in parentheses after every reference to God. “I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord (Jesus), plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon Me (Jesus) and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart. I(Jesus) will be found by you…and will bring you back from captivity.” ~~~Then I prayed for the opportunity to say “hi”, explain my odd actions, briefly share my personal ‘God-quest story’ and hand the woman this index card…all in under 60 sec.

White knuckled, I prayed, stood, smiled, and with the love of God, shared my heart and handed the card to this young woman. And to my amazement (and relief) both smiled widely, and later, stopped by the table I’d relocated to and thanked me.

Why share this story? I don’t’ really know. These kinds of stories happen to Shaun and me kind of regularly. ~Perhaps we share this to be a source of encouragement? Folks tend to assume that because we look confident and we do share our faith regularly, that when God prompts us to “GO”, it’s always easy. And this is simply not the case. But when God says “Go!” what we have learned is to go directly to prayer, because in doing so, we allow God to be the spokesperson through us (leaning not to our own talents), entrusting Him with the process and with the outcomes … because He cares SO MUCH.

Let’s let our light shine this week… How can we remain silent when we’ve witnessed so much? ~Our world is so desperate for what only He can offer.

Much love,
Shaun and Betsy

Monday, February 14, 2011

Real Love 2-14-11

“…if I didn't love others, I would be of no value whatsoever.” 1 Cor. 13:3b

Below is a lesson to us from the Author of Love Himself (with some practical application). Today, on this Valentine's Day, we pray you sense the warmth of His loving embrace. 

Love is patient: Even though I may be eager to have my needs met and my dreams fulfilled, I won’t demand instant satisfaction from God or people. And with God’s strength, I will persevere through misfortunes, troubles, offenses and heartache.

Love is kind:  I will endeavor to see people and circumstances in my life through God’s eyes, and not according to what is “presented” or according to my personal perceptions. Then I will chose to allow His love to charitably guide my interactions.

Love does not envy: I will choose to find my security and my identity in God.

Love does not boast and is not proud: I recognize that all my talents and successes in this life are gifts from God, and are not for me to claim for myself.

Love is not rude or self-seeking: I will endeavor to give others the same consideration, courtesy, respect and attention that I would give to an honored guest, and regard another’s needs as important as my own.

Love is not easily angered: I will trust God, knowing that He is in complete control of all circumstances, and that He will give me discernment, peace and self-control in tricky contentious situations.

Love keeps no record of wrongs: When I have been hurt or wronged, I will choose to forgive and move on without keeping score, whilst guarding my heart.

Love does not delight in evil but rejoices in truth: I will daily ask God to break my heart with what breaks His, and to give me joy in the things that give Him joy.

Love always protects: I will keep to myself minor errors and faults of others.

Love always trusts: I understand that people will fail me, but God is ALWAYS faithful, and I will choose to entrust myself to Him.

Love always hopes: As I daily draw near to God, I will ask Him to infuse me with the knowledge of His promises, and then with full confidence, I will choose to trust Him at His Word.

Love always perseveres: With Jesus as my ROCK, in life’s difficulties I will live in His strength and not my own, and I will choose to bravely and calmly bear ill treatments.

Love never fails: God is always here for me. He sees all, is intimately acquainted with all my wayward thoughts and motivations, Knowing all this, He chose to die for me, so that He can live eternally with me. How priceless is His unfailing love! Ps.36:7

Loving like this is a tall order and a seemingly impossible task at times. But rather than feeling defeated from the start, we're wise to remember this: when God instructs, He ALWAYS equips!
Much love you, our friends, this Valentine's Day!  ~Shaun and Betsy      

Monday, February 7, 2011

Rejoicing: A Constant State of Mind 2-7-11

"Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, rejoice!" Phl. 4:4

From Phl. 4:4 above, how often are we instructed to rejoice in the Lord? Answer:  Always. “Always”?? Yes, the text says ALWAYS… We’re called to rejoice in the Lord at all times, in all places, and under all circumstances.

Given how difficult this life is to navigate and how much heartache we experience in a lifetime, this commandment of God can appear daunting and not feasible. But we know that God never gives us personal instruction that He knows we are incapable of. Yes, when God commands, He always equips and guides.

Ok then. if “rejoicing always” is actually doable…HOW exactly is it doable?

Think of a situation or relationship you’re in right now…one that has your mind and heart all betwixt, and together, let’s apply just one discipline.

Here goes~~ Amidst this particular situation/relationship, we’re exhorted to exhibit “intentional reasonableness” (gentleness vs. reactionary contentious responses) as we, likened to Hezekiah in Is. 37:14, humbly cry out to God in reverence and “spread the details out before Him” in 100% dependence on Him.  Then, we are called to trust Him (like a baby in his Daddy’s arms) with this situational or relational outcome no matter what heartache or suffering we may incur.

~How are we doing with this 1st step? …Well, thankfully Paul tells us that this kind of dependence on God does not “just happen”, but that he too had to learn this kind of reliance on and confidence in the Lord through a lifetime of practice and training (1Tim. 4:7; 1Cor. 9:25; Phl. 4:11).

As we choose to trust God in every circumstance/relationship, and then respond to these situations and relationships accordingly, our hearts and minds will, as Paul’s, be freed up. (“Freed up” meaning that we will experience peace and joy amidst our heartache/suffering, instead allowing distracting cares control us ~Phi. 4:6.)

~When feeling defeated let’s remember, our God is near to the brokenhearted, saves those who are crushed in spirit, and takes account of all our wanderings, gathering our tears in His bottle (Ps. 34:18; 56:8). And just as the Creator of ALL calls problematic sinful David a man after His own heart (Acts 13:22), He demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us (Rom. 5:8). ~Our God never grows tired or weary and He understands our individual experiences to a degree that we cannot begin to fathom (Is. 40:28).

Let’s trust Him this week. He has our back and wants to lead the way, if only we will choose to follow.

God bless you!
Shaun and Betsy