Jesus is the ROCK in our Relationships

Monday, February 28, 2011

After the Thrill, then What? 2-28-11

“…Earnestly I seek You; my soul thirst for You, my body longs for You.” Ps. 63:1

David’s life is a great example for us regarding this kind of dependence (what to do) and of self-reliance (what not to do). ~David was hoisted into fame at an early age. His new found notoriety was neat for a while, but soon David's fame inflamed David's jealous king . It was while running for his life from this mad-man, King Saul, that David penned this verse: “O God, You are my God, earnestly I seek You; my soul thirst for You, my body longs for You, in this parched and weary land.” Ps.63:1

How did David’s Lord respond to his plea? God provided protection, sustenance, and companionship within each grave situation to which David found himself. ~~David’s needs were met spiritually, emotionally and physically when he chose to continually seek God with whole-hearted dependence.

Here in the United States today, we may not find ourselves running for our literal lives like David or present day believers in Sudan, but God and His principles are the same: “I am the Lord, and I do not change.” Mal.3:6. ~~ So right now, today, the question is still the same: With our personal nuisances, heartaches, catastrophes, AND blessings, are we choosing to seek God with all of our heart, mind, and strength in a very literal way? Or in actuality, are we self-reliant, choosing to put on the 'Christian guise" and give God mere lip-service, all the while duping ourselves most of all?

Personal example: Saturday was a day of heightened emotion as we Cleary parents got to witness our daughter and her high school water polo team secure a national championship victory with their 67th consecutive win.

To say there was “excitement” at this game would be quite an understatement. ~But just 2 short days later (today), as the saying goes, “all things that go up must sooner or later come down.” 

It is so fascinating to observe how individual players, parents and fans are making the transition from “HIGH” back to “normal”. ~And the ease or difficulty of this process, appears to be directly correlated with where each person has chosen to place his or her trust, security and happiness. (In God? Or in something other than Him, no matter how noble?)

Even we Cleary’s regretfully discovered ourselves acting like adult infant-wankers yesterday as Shaun headed out on another business trip. Thankfully it was short lived. (During Shaun’s long drive and Betsy’s yard work, God spoke individually to both of our hearts something to the effect, “You are BOTH big babies…not one or the other, but both of you. S&B, grow up. Put down your pride, pick up that phone and get it right between you 2 NOW!”) ~Gratefully, we both do cultivate a vibrant relationship with God and we both sensed His chastening. And literally, within the 1st 5-10 sec. of our phone conversation, we were joyously restored.

The point? Circumstances may differ or change from generation to generation and culture to culture, but God and His principles do not. Just like with Uzziah, when we seek Him with the big and small areas of our lives, He will be found by us, and He will grant us success. 2Chr. 26:5.

Big hugs,
Shaun and Betsy