Jesus is the ROCK in our Relationships

Monday, February 7, 2011

Rejoicing: A Constant State of Mind 2-7-11

"Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, rejoice!" Phl. 4:4

From Phl. 4:4 above, how often are we instructed to rejoice in the Lord? Answer:  Always. “Always”?? Yes, the text says ALWAYS… We’re called to rejoice in the Lord at all times, in all places, and under all circumstances.

Given how difficult this life is to navigate and how much heartache we experience in a lifetime, this commandment of God can appear daunting and not feasible. But we know that God never gives us personal instruction that He knows we are incapable of. Yes, when God commands, He always equips and guides.

Ok then. if “rejoicing always” is actually doable…HOW exactly is it doable?

Think of a situation or relationship you’re in right now…one that has your mind and heart all betwixt, and together, let’s apply just one discipline.

Here goes~~ Amidst this particular situation/relationship, we’re exhorted to exhibit “intentional reasonableness” (gentleness vs. reactionary contentious responses) as we, likened to Hezekiah in Is. 37:14, humbly cry out to God in reverence and “spread the details out before Him” in 100% dependence on Him.  Then, we are called to trust Him (like a baby in his Daddy’s arms) with this situational or relational outcome no matter what heartache or suffering we may incur.

~How are we doing with this 1st step? …Well, thankfully Paul tells us that this kind of dependence on God does not “just happen”, but that he too had to learn this kind of reliance on and confidence in the Lord through a lifetime of practice and training (1Tim. 4:7; 1Cor. 9:25; Phl. 4:11).

As we choose to trust God in every circumstance/relationship, and then respond to these situations and relationships accordingly, our hearts and minds will, as Paul’s, be freed up. (“Freed up” meaning that we will experience peace and joy amidst our heartache/suffering, instead allowing distracting cares control us ~Phi. 4:6.)

~When feeling defeated let’s remember, our God is near to the brokenhearted, saves those who are crushed in spirit, and takes account of all our wanderings, gathering our tears in His bottle (Ps. 34:18; 56:8). And just as the Creator of ALL calls problematic sinful David a man after His own heart (Acts 13:22), He demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us (Rom. 5:8). ~Our God never grows tired or weary and He understands our individual experiences to a degree that we cannot begin to fathom (Is. 40:28).

Let’s trust Him this week. He has our back and wants to lead the way, if only we will choose to follow.

God bless you!
Shaun and Betsy