Jesus is the ROCK in our Relationships

Sunday, May 22, 2011

To God Be the Glory

Dear wonderful friends,

We want to share with you an update and our deep gratitude for your thoughts and prayers these 3+ weeks.

We've been living in kind of a "twilight zone". And with very step  God has shown and is showing Himself so radically in charge and sovereign over all miracle after another after another after another! ~Just talk with Bets, you'll see peace and joy as evidenced even in these pictures taken during her brain scan!

The mere words: "Docs found a benign tumor in my brain" have opened up a flood gate of ministry opportunities for Betsy.  It's incredible! Believers and nonbelievers alike seem to be flocking to her looking to tap into the peace, joy and hope that oozes from her pores, as they share their intimate stories with her. 

~~If  there has been a tougher part to this ordeal it's been handling the full range of responses from others. ~~From an objective yet seemingly callous "it's no big deal, I know someone who had/has one of those" to "OMG you're gonna die?" and  everything/every emotion in between, this has been an interesting study in human behavior to say the least!

One thing in particular that has kept Betsy void of fear while she deals with other's reactionary responses, is the peace and joy God placed in her heart from the moment she was delivered the "tumor" news. All she's kept saying is,  "Praise You we go. Whatever You have in store to glorify Yourself through me is gonna be good...real real good."  

Current status? Every meningioma situation is unique... and we will be watching this one closely with an MRI every 6 mo for now (2 more neurology appt.s in the next 2 weeks). But so far it's all been great news: this mass is slow growing, has definitive edges, is small (pecan sized at the top to the left frontal lobe next to the skull), may never grow to the point that it needs to be removed, and God is using it  as a channel to bring His love to others. Praise Him.

You have touched us deeply with your caring thoughts and prayers. To God be the glory!
Much love,

Shaun and Betsy