“Where are you?” Gen. 3:9
The first recorded question from God to man asks man is, “Where are you hiding?” And ever since the Fall, man’s tendency (each one of us) is to conceal ourselves.
We hide behind bad things like the misuse of drugs & alcohol, or an abusive upbringing. We hide behind neutral things like power, reputation and titles. And we even hide behind good things like our personalities (I’m just shy), our good family name, and even Scripture itself.
As believers:
- · A mom can hide behind her kids, her husband, or a myriad of “to-dos”…never truly learning what it means to rely on the Lord in her daily living.
- · A dad can hide behind wifely (and child-ly) submit, respect and honor verses, never truly learning what it means to submit himself to the Spirit and lead his family moment by moment in the Spirit’s power.
- · An employee can hide behind busyness and deadlines and never really learn what it means to rely on the Spirit in the workplace.
- · An athlete can hide behind his/her workouts and competitions; an artist behind his/her craft; and a musician behind his/her music (and miss worshiping and serving the King altogether with his/her talent).
- · Leaders can hide behind titles (VP, CEO, CFO, etc.) ~~(Church leadership can hide behind titles too: pastor, elder, deacon, etc.)
- · Bible lovers can hide behind pet scripture verses choosing not to rely on the living Spirit to reveal Truth. (Jn.1:1 speaks to the Word as much more than merely written Scripture. “In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God.”)
If we truly desire ALL that God has for us, then we must stand in the LIGHT of His love and judgment, transparently honest and naked before Him.
“Lord, please show me the depravity of myself. Show me where I am hiding from You, regardless of how righteous it may appear. Cause me to want to become nakedly transparent before You. Please rewire my brain according to Your truths and not my perceptions of Your truths. Help these areas of hiding to become utterly distasteful to me. Amen.”
Let’s remember, the Redemption Story is all about God’s pursuit of man, not man’s pursuit of God.
Question this week:
We’re in this together!
Much love, ~Shaun and Betsy