“I run with a purpose in every step. I am not just shadowboxing.”
1Cor. 9:26
As we distinguish then embrace our unique call we’ll find that we’re not as apt to rush into the plethora of opportunities that are not part of God’s individual assignment for us, no matter how righteous or urgent they appear. ~The “need” isn’t necessarily the “call”, as the saying goes.
“We are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Eph. 2:10
Personal example this week:
1) Yesterday morning, our eldest called from afar asking for help. He told us that his car had developed a major fluid leak, he’d just lost his power steering, the temperature outside was near 100 and climbing, and that he was going to start walking to the hospital for his first day on the job (~10 blocks away dressed in a suit)… And would figure out what to do as the day unfolded.
2) Minutes later we got another call that we were needed at an urgent prayer meeting….the caller was intent not to take “no” for an answer.
3) At the same time, the pot boiled over on the stove and the UPS guy rang the doorbell with a delivery.
What to do?
· Choose to attend to all in an attempt to please all?
· Choose to attend to one/some based on the perceived need/urgency factor?
· Choose to attend to none and allow the other involved parties to “deal”?
· …Etc., etc.
Well, because we’ve learned to discern and embrace our call in this season of life, the choice was relatively easy. ~As we prayed words from this simple prayer, “Show me the right path, O Lord; point out the road for me to follow. Lead me by Your truth and teach me for You are the God who saves me. All day long I put my hope in You.” Ps. 25: 4-5, God clearly directed our steps.
Yes, we disappointed at least one person, but we’re confident that we put a smile on God’s face as we walked in His directed path. “Obedience is better than sacrifice.” 1 Sam. 15:22. ~~For even though it may have made us feel better to have surrendered our time and resources to meet all of the needs at hand, the Lord impressed upon our hearts that obedience is what He pleases Him, and we had choices to make.
Oh, may we walk in a manner that pleases Him!
God bless you! ~Shaun and Betsy