"What do you want me to do for you?" Jesus asked. "My rabbi," the blind man said, "I want to see!" Mk. 10:51
“‘If you are willing, You can heal me and make me clean.’ Jesus reached out and touched him. ‘I am willing,’ He said. ‘Be healed!” Matt. 8:2-3
Perhaps you are standing in the way of your own healing. Have you ever asked yourself, "Do I really want to get well?"
Facts are, there are people who really don't want to get well. Sometimes people actually get addicted to their troubles. They’ve grown accustomed to mayhem (past or present) and it’s become part of their identity, their makeup.
At the end of the day, deep down, some people simply don't want to move past their pasts. ~~And of course, there are others who have been hurt so many times, they don't think they can face the pain of another letdown…so they reject the Author of Hope and the freedom He brings so that they won't be disappointed.
Therapy and constructive thinking can only go so far, the key to true and lasting healing and freedom is ONLY found in Christ.
There is POWER in His Word. And to be an overcomer in this life of obstacles, fears and doubts, we must daily choose to be in God’s Word, then take a stand and act on His words of truth, instead of allowing our minds and emotions direct us.
(Remember though, that renewing and aligning our minds in Christ is a process, so let’s not get discouraged and quit when we experience bad moments or brief setbacks.)
This week, let’s determine not to waste any more of our valuable time wallowing in self-pity over things we cannot change. Let’s promise ourselves that we'll stop using our difficulty as a crutch in our lives, and instead, choose to draw close to Jesus moment by moment. “Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead.” Phil. 3:13
May God bless us!
Shaun and Betsy