Jesus is the ROCK in our Relationships

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Authentic Love 2-14-12

“…if I didn't love others, I would be of no value whatsoever.” 1 Cor. 13:3b
Below is a lesson to us from the Author of Love Himself (with some practical application). Today, on this Valentine's Day, we pray you sense the warmth of His loving embrace. 

Love is patient: 
Even though I may be eager to have my needs met and my dreams fulfilled, 
I won't demand instant satisfaction from God or people. 
And with God's strength, I will persevere through misfortunes, troubles, offenses and heartache.
Love is kind:  
I will endeavor to see people and circumstances in my life through God's eyes, 
and not according to what is "presented" or according to my personal perceptions. 
Then I will chose to allow His love to charitably guide my interactions.
Love does not envy
I will choose to find my security and my identity in God.
Love does not boast and is not proud
I recognize that all my talents and successes in this life are gifts from God, 
and are not for me to claim for myself.
Love is not rude or self-seeking
I will endeavor to give others the same consideration, courtesy, respect and attention that I would give 
to an honored guest, and regard another's needs as important as my own.
Love is not easily angered
I will trust God, knowing that He is in complete control of all circumstances, 
and that He will give me discernment, peace and self-control in tricky contentious situations.
Love keeps no record of wrongs: 
When I have been hurt or wronged, I will choose to forgive 
and move on without keeping score, whilst guarding my heart.
Love does not delight in evil but rejoices in truth
I will daily ask God to break my heart with what breaks His, 
and to give me joy in the things that give Him joy.
Love always protects
I will keep to myself minor errors and faults of others.
Love always trusts: 
I understand that people will fail me, but God is ALWAYS faithful, 
and I will choose to entrust myself to Him.
Love always hopes
As I daily draw near to God, I will ask Him to infuse me with 
the knowledge of His promises, 
and then with full confidence, I will choose to trust Him at His Word.
Love always perseveres
With Jesus as my ROCK, in life’s difficulties I will live in His strength 
and not my own, and I will choose to bravely and calmly bear ill treatments.
Love never fails
God is always here for me. 
He sees all, is intimately acquainted with all my wayward thoughts and motivations, 
Knowing all this, He chose to die for me, so that He can live eternally with me. 
How priceless is His unfailing love! Ps.36:7

Loving like this is a tall order and a seemingly impossible task at times. 
But rather than feeling defeated from the start, we're wise to remember this: when God instructs, 
He ALWAYS equips!
Much love you, our friends, this Valentine's Day!  ~Shaun and Betsy