Jesus is the ROCK in our Relationships

Monday, February 6, 2012

Living Courageous 2-6-12

"Be strong and courageous, and do the work.” 
1 Chr. 28:20

Courage in its simplest form: Wholeheartedly “be” and “do” what God has called us to “be and do”, moment-to-moment, and never quit.

Courage starts at home, and then moves out from there.

(Illustration: We are courageous to fly to foreign soil to aid the downtrodden, oppressed, exploited, handicapped, and ill. We must be equally vigilant not to fail to lend a helping hand and an understanding ear to these same folks in our own lives.)

Choosing to reside in and live out His courageous love this week,
Shaun and Betsy