Jesus is the ROCK in our Relationships

Monday, March 19, 2012

Message from Dad 3-19-12

“Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” Prv. 22:6

Living amidst a culture that has little regard for God, we believing parents have a responsibility to diligently train our children in the ways of our Lord, then pray for them all the days of their lives.

Below are two short examples of “training”; spiritual insights that Shaun e-mailed to our kids this week.

(NLT)Proverbs 22:13
The lazy person claims, "There's a lion out there! If I go outside, I might be killed!"
I'm on an early flight to Denver and wanted to share this encouraging verse with you. Have you ever heard how F.E.A.R. stops people from being productive and accomplishing the things God has called them to become and to do? Often we get frozen by our fears when False Evidence Appears Real. Common fears include concerns about trying and failing, what other people will think, etc. In this verse there really is no Lion out there. Be sure that only God sets your boundaries and Live Large today!
Love you all. ~Dad

(NLT)Proverbs 22:11
Whoever loves a pure heart and gracious speech will have the king as a friend.
I'm flying over the Rockies this morning and wanted to share a verse the Lord is messaging into my heart mid flight.
Want to be in a position of tremendous influence? Want the opportunity to change your school, your company, your city, and your world? Let the Spirit clean up your heart and polish your speech, and your sphere of influence will expand dramatically.
Accomplishing this is easier said than done though. A pure heart stems from practicing the presence of God, prayer, service, avoiding "unhealthy" things, careful association, and other spiritual/social disciplines. Gracious speech is more than weaving "church lingo" into your conversations or even just being nice to people. God's grace is His unmerited favor, which meets peoples specific needs and ushers in Truth and Life. THIS is what gracious speech is all about. Ask God to give you insight into peoples needs, and to give you His vision for the abundant life He wants for them and the opportunity to share this with them. Do they need a word of encouragement, a kick in the butt, or perhaps some new ideas or coaching? Develop a clean heart and grace filled speech, then leaders and many others will count you as a true friend.
When I think of my deepest friendships and my richest business relationships, these character traits immediately come to mind. I'm inspired and challenged by each of you to embody these truths.
Love, Dad

Parenting is tricky these days, but with the Lord’s guidance, good mentors and accountability, we can entrust these precious babes and their choices to His hands.

In Him, ~Shaun and Betsy