For Your name's sake, O LORD, pardon my iniquity, for it is
great. Ps. 25:11
great. Ps. 25:11
For His honor, to maintain fellowship, and to live in freedom, we must daily confess our sins.
But rather than merely asking God of forgiveness in a generic manner, we’ve found that there is tremendous power in NAMING IT. Name the sin out loud; verbalize the particular transgression before God.
When God convicts me of something I’ve said to so-n-so, I am restored when I ask Him for forgiveness.
But… there is POWER, when in asking for forgiveness, when I verbalize exactly what came out of my mouth from which I wish to be cleansed and forgiven.
Physiologically, our brain processes information in a different way when we hear it than when we merely think it. Which in turn makes the whole act of asking for forgiveness “feel” much more concrete; we “feel forgiven”.
Feelings are deceitful, yes, but when we feel forgiven, accepted and treasured, we are much more likely NOT to 1) repeat the offense or 2) repeatedly ask forgiveness for the same offense.
Try it!
Living in His freedom this week,
Shaun and Betsy