Jesus is the ROCK in our Relationships

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Fully Known, Wholly Loved 6-5-12

“Love each other. Just as I have loved you,
you should love each other.” Jn. 13:34

Simply said, in our humanness, we’re ugly to the core. And learning how to truly love another ugly human being in our own self-sufficiency is nearly impossible.

Yet, as we learn to admit our own personal inadequacy and fully lean on the infinite resources of God Himself, He transforms us from within and teaches us how to love as He loves.

In intimate relationship,
  1. To be loved yet not known is typically superficial lust that will not endure.
  2. To be known yet not loved is one of our greatest fears, so we hide.
  3. To be known fully and loved wholly is divine love our hearts yearn for.

What kind of love do you fancy? We Cleary’s desire #3!

The question is then, are we willing to give Him full control of the reigns on our life and our relationships?

Much love in Him,  ~Shaun and Betsy