“Lay up
treasure for yourself as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that you may
take hold of the life that is truly life.” 1 Tim. 6:19
Numerous “near death” experiences describe
fascinating accounts of heaven. One matching vision is particularly intriguing:
In heaven there is an area with “warehouse after warehouse containing unclaimed
If these heavenly “warehouse accounts” are
true, what is their meaning?
We know from Eph. 1:3, Heb. 11:6 &
Rom. 10:12 that the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, HAS blessed us in the heavenly realms with
every spiritual blessing in Christ, He rewards those who earnestly seek Him,
and richly blesses all who call on Him.
Question: If God has blessed us with every
spiritual blessing in Christ, then WHY are there unclaimed blessings, personal blessings uniquely purposed for each one of His kids?
1) Lack of faith:
I don’t fully believe and appropriate His promises to me because I don’t want
to make the mental, emotional, spiritual and physical investment to truly get
to know Him, choosing instead to believe the Accuser of my soul.
2) Lack of obedience:
At the end of the day, I think and do what I feel & sense is best.
3) Refusal to “fight the good fight”:
When the rubber of faith meets the road of this dark world, I am simply too
worn-out to continually swim upstream. It’s much easier to go with the flow
under a religious guise of “peace and love” than to allow God to manifest
Himself in my mind, heart, words and actions moment to moment.
God tells us that He blesses those who
take refuge in Him and fear Him, who make Him his trust, who have regard for
the weak, whose strength is in the Lord, who have learned to acclaim God, in
whose spirit is no deceit, who listen to Him and then walk in the light of His
presence, who maintain justice and are generous, who take great delight in His
commands and keep His statutes, who watch and wait daily at His doorway, who
hunger and thirst for righteousness, who do NOT walk in the way of sinners or
mockers or look to the proud, who love others as themselves, who persevere
amidst life’s bumps, and who are merciful, who understand personal depravity
and need for utter dependence upon God’s forgiveness, grace and mercy, who love
God with all their mental, emotional, spiritual and physical being and
wholeheartedly seek Him.
Wouldn’t it be tragic one day to find
miraculous and amazing blessings that God uniquely designed specifically for us
… that we simply chose not to take? We don’t have to.
As we bring all that we are to all that
His is, we receive all that we need from all that He has.
May the LORD, the Maker of heaven and
earth, bless us. Ps. 115:15
Much love,
Shaun and Betsy