Jesus is the ROCK in our Relationships

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Child to Adult Transitions 8-19-15

“Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it.”    
Prv. 22:6

Effectively raising a child to adulthood is no easy task. Moment to moment purposeful intention and wisdom that comes from utter dependence on God is required to navigate ones own personal life, let alone raise another human being to maturity.

Remember the odd feeling when taking your baby home from the hospital the first time? Remember how inadequate you felt? Remember thinking, “They’re just going to let me walk out of here with this baby? More training was required to earn my drivers license! …How do I change a diaper much less raise a child?!”

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.” (Eccl. 3:1), including raising children to adulthood. For it’s just when we as parents personally mature in the area of “raising” a child, it’s time to “let go” of our young adult.

It was difficult to watch our young independent 3 yr old fall and scuff his knee. It’s equally as hard to watch our now 20 something yr old fall and get scrapped. Internally, our response remains fairly unchanged, but eternally, we cant’ simply run over, pick him up, dust him off, and doctor his boo boos. He’s now an adult. He has to learn to pick himself up, dust himself off, learn from his fall, and mature.  (Our parental role has evolved, but has not been eliminated. We now offer advice only when asked…yet we can still pray like crazy!)

Thank goodness life is a learning process, sandwiched in grace. We’ve told our 3 adult kids something like this: “We did the best with what we had, but inevitably we’ve said/done things to cause you pain. We are so very sorry. Will you please forgive us?
This said, you ________, now have the choice to never live under pains of your childhood. With forgiveness and fortitude, you now have the opportunity to ‘better upon’ things said/done to you. Walk tightly with Jesus and grow up in your salvation!”

Father God tells us similar things as we grow in Him.
As newborn babies, He nurtured us and protected us, but as we grew, He intentionally allowed us to fall and scrape our knees so that we could learn and mature.
Never causing us pain because of erroneous action, our perfect Lord tells us:

“Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation.” 1 Pet.2:2
“Solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil.” Heb. 5:14
“Let perseverance finish its work so that you maybe mature and completenot lacking anything.” Jas 1:4

While there’s no human manual directing our moment-to-moment actions, we do have the Holy Spirit and God’s Word. Through constant prayer whilst immersing ourselves in God’s breathed pages, we find direction to guide our steps, wisdom for the wise and knowledge for the discerning (Dan. 2:20-23). Amen.

Much love this week as we live our utmost for His highest. ~Shaun and Betsy