Jesus is the ROCK in our Relationships

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

At the End of Your Talented Self Yet? 9-01-09

“Your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear; then your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the Lord will be your rear guard. Then you will call, and the Lord will answer; you will cry for help, and He will say: ‘Here am I.’” Is. 58:8-9

“The most difficult person to deal with is the one who has the smug satisfaction of an experience to which he can refer back, but who is not working it out in practical life. If you say you are sanctified, show it. Theology must work itself out in the most practical relationships.” Oswald Chambers continues, “You may know all about the doctrine of sanctification, but are you running it out into the practical issues of your life?”

Each of us believers, if we are truly walking with the Lord, is in a constant state of learning. But it is when God brings us to the end of ourselves…to the end of our talented selves…when we are face down to the cement…when we can do nothing else but cry out “Abba Daddy”…It is HERE that God’s smile turns to delight and He can truly go to work in us.

It is only when we get totally naked before God, physically, emotionally and cognitively…in complete surrender, that God says, “Yeah! My child, I have been waiting to transparently talk with you and to intimately embrace you. And finally, here you are…all of you!! Oh how I have waited to truly love on you, strengthen you, give you peace and joy, and guide you….You have no idea how much I want for you in this life and in the one to come! Oh, please come. Come sit at My feet and learn from Me; draw your strength from Me so that now you can truly start living for Me. Oh, My precious child, I am crazy about you!!!!”

It’s only when God has brought me to the end of my talented self-effort, when my face has been squished to the ground and my heart and mind were in a total “uncle, I give up” surrendered state, that God has said, “Yeah. Bets! I have WAITED for this! Now,…let’s go to work…You and me. But one thing,…. I am leading from now on, girlfriend….unless of course you are wanting some more butt-kicking. It’s always your choice…”

Any of us here right now? I prayed with one woman after another after another at church this weekend, each having come to the end of her talented self. And in God’s economy, this is right where He wants each of them, and each of us. He wants us at the end of our talented self-effort, casting ourselves upon Him in complete utter dependent surrender!

It’s not an easy place to be, but this place of total surrender is the BEST…for this is where we each have the opportunity to see God face to face. To feel His warmth on our chests, and His breath on our backs.

Come, please come along with my Shaun and me. Let’s say “so long” to self-effort, and choose to stay in this place of utter dependence upon our Lord and Savior in the practicalities of our everyday lives.

God bless you this week!
Much love,
Shaun and Betsy