Jesus is the ROCK in our Relationships

Wednesday, April 7, 2010 runs in our blood 10-12-09

“The Lord is my strength and my song.” Ps. 118:1

Ever feel like you are dangling on the edge of a cliff a mile off the ground? Well, this is literally where I found myself Thursday morning, and like the man in Mk 9:24, I beseeched God, “Lord, I do believe, help me overcome my unbelief!” Thank God my Shaun and our 13 yr. old Shannon were there too…especially during those “infamous cables”. ~~ I suppose the fear had a lot to do with our daughters fractured wrist, and my displaced hip, but regardless of the reasons, I was scared about this venture…especially the cables, especially about the cables! (check out the picture)

What is it in your life that has you tied in knots? If there is nothing identifiable presently, trust us, there will be soon. And when this knot tying situation presents itself…what is your response? Do you and I transparently admit our weaknesses honestly before God and others, or do we hide behind pride and religiosity, and hypocritically try to appear as if we have a “total handle on this thing”?

Currently, one of our sons finds himself quite disturbed about the Christian hypocrisy that surrounds him. As we beat up this topic together, what he discovered was this: All Christians are hypocrites! Yet … some Christians, despite their hypocrisy, are exceedingly refreshing to be around. These believers are transparent, honest, and forthcoming about their messed up nature, instead of putting on an “I have it all together” front. ~~~ Know someone like this? A believer like this is like a breath of fresh mountain air in downtown L.A.!

Well, as our discussion continued, I felt compelled to share a story with our son about a Christian hypocrite I met on our trek up the Half Dome cables last Thursday morning. I was so appalled at this woman…a woman I know quite well, (moi).

Here’s the abbreviated story: After sleeping in our truck (cause of the snoring man in the adjacent tent…even though Yosemite Valley was only ¼ full), followed by a 30min. “intestinal bout in the experience chamber” earlier that morning (which delayed our start time, which in turn made me exceedingly “unpopular” with Shaun and Shannon…’till they learned of my woos and had pity on me J.)…God showed up and performed the miraculous! Literally! You see, with my cable fear factor, displaced hip, and Shannon’s fractured arm, I knew that I NEEDED to completely focus on God to pull this venture off. (“this venture”: each of our kids’ summits Half Dome for their 13th birthday, and goes hang gliding for their 18th birthday). I started listening to praise music as we hiked, and literally danced the entire way to the summit. (The trial was virtually desolate, but the few hikers that passed us got some huge smiles on their faces! ~~ Worshipping the KING amidst this grandeur…ohhhhh, truly a glimpse of heaven for me!!!)

Well, no sooner had we made it to “the cable” section, fear totally gripped me again (a fight or flight thing). Instead of resting and readying ourselves for the final ascent, I just blazed ahead…all I could think about is, “Get me up there, Lord...and if not Lord, tell me to turn around in the first 10 feet!” And this is where the hypocrite showed up…(I only wish there had been a camera focused on her face, cause her face was all bent up…she looked 126 years old!) And all I could hear her chant over and over and over and over was: “Ohh GOD…help me! Help me! Help me!”...then her foot would slip and I would hear “Sh_t!... Sorry Lord, sorry Lord, forgive me”…then again I would hear, GOD HELP ME, HELP ME, HELP ME!” ~~~ ’till her foot slipped again…. Over and over again I heard these words under her breath. She was scared completely senseless!

And like this woman (me), each of us have times in our lives where we are completely stripped, naked and vulnerable...our real guts/heart totally exposed…and for me last Thursday, I was scared to the core of my being. All I knew was, keep your head DOWN Betsy, and focus on the KING….then my foot would slip, and I would be reminded of the sad sick canyons of my heart that have yet to be cleansed to glowing white.

So, the question is, where is their hypocrisy in your life? And are you and I going to commit to be “exceedingly refreshing transparent believers of the King” to our loved ones…and strangers, as we strive to be holy? People ARE watching.

God bless you,
Shaun and Betsy