Jesus is the ROCK in our Relationships

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

What am I delighting in? 8-16-09

“I am the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End. To him who is thirsty I will give to drink without cost from the spring of the water of life. He who overcomes will inherit all this, and I will be his God and he will be my son.” Rev.21:6-7

God says to you and to me, “I believe in you. Actually, (your name), I believe in you a whole lot more than you believe in yourself. Trust Me, follow Me, lean on Me with your whole weight, I am faithful.”

Likewise, I sense this is exactly what God desires of us for the dear souls in our lives. Our Lord desires us to get so grounded in Him, that we actually see others with His eyes. Then, with divine hearts and eyes we can see past the junk someone dishes out, and love them into the person he or she can be…because we believe in this soul more than this soul believes in him or herself. To say it another way, as you and I partner with Christ, we become co-redeemers of another as Christ sanctifies us through and through.

Shaun and I have personally found that we definitely do not heal one another when fleshly instruction, attempts to reveal another’s internal mess, and self-righteous condemnation are at the center of our motivation. Oh no, no, no, this definitely does not work well, we promise you! (I.e. Gal. 5:15; 1 Cor. 3:3)

What does work, however, is when Shaun and I individually choose to do business with God on our own idiosyncrasies and personality flaws. Then by means of prayer, thoughtful words and actions, we encourage one another to “grow up”. For we find that as we individually draw close to God and allow Him to go to work on our own character refinement, then individually choose to obey God’s promptings (focusing on our own “through and through” walk), we actually find ourselves healing one another!

The bible tells us if anyone obeys God’s word, the Lord’s love is truly made complete in him. (1 John 2:5) This is radical…Gods love made complete in you and me? God’s heart and eyes fully revealed within us for our use? This is simply amazing!!!

God bless you radically this week as you draw near to Him.
Much love,

Shaun and Betsy