Jesus is the ROCK in our Relationships

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Know Someone with ESP? 9-15-09

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.” Mk. 12:30

We covered the basics of this verse yesterday, but purposefully did not pursue the topic of “emotion” and how God addresses it in this verse. Today, I believe the Lord is prompting me to touch on in this area of emotion in a brief appendage regarding the female emotional component of “body, mind and spirit”. (See word study attachment).

Whether you are single, married, male or female, everyone would do well to understand “female extra sensory perception”…a skill my Shaun says I get every month or so, and a time he endearingly refers to as “mom’s sensitive days”. In another era, before the antiseptic hygiene practices of today, this monthly female phenomenon was a known fact to all…but men today, like our 2 Cleary man-child sons, are left relatively clueless. They (you too?) find themselves reasonably naive with regard to this huge human experience that directly affects their dealings with people. And unfortunately, it’s generally not until a man gets into a physical relationship with a woman that he even begins “to truly be enlightened”.

Presently, our once little girl is now a teenager, and I am getting quite the education from this “younger Martian” who appears in our home with increasing frequency. Figuratively speaking, our sweet little blondie can be walking straight, walking straight, walking straight…then, with no notice what so ever, make an about face, change direction mid-stride, smack right into me, and then get all ticked that I was in her way! With my mouth wide open in disbelieving amazement, I immediately look to Shaun for answers.

He just looks back at me with a sweet smile, then comes over to rub Shannon’s back (and smooth the creases in my forehead), and gently whispers into my ear, “Babe, I’ve got this down to a science…been studying this extraterrestrial behavior for years! I’ll teach you everything I know.” ~~~ (I’m fairly confident, however, that the inner thoughts of my sweet Shaun are doing ecstatic back flips, thinking to himself, “Yes, Lord…PAY BACK, big time!!!! Oh, ain’t it sweeeet?! Thank you, Jesus!!”)

Funny? Not so funny? Well, on a more serious note, we actually do believe that this monthly cycle our Lord has “blessed” women with is exactly that…a blessing, not a curse. Once a month most every 14yr-55yr old woman whom each of us comes into contact with, is experiencing a “heightened awareness” on life. She can detect subtleties around her that are virtually undetectable at another time. So men listen up here, the women in your life can be a tremendous asset to you!!

As I have learned to “take my thoughts captive and make them obedient to Christ”, Shaun has learned to treasure this monthly sonar system that God installed in his wife! But first, his wife (me) had to learn that although her feelings about something or someone were quite accurate, they were not accurate to the extremes (high or low) that she was sensing. It’s kind of like looking at life through a magnifying glass…one can see things in exceptionally high def, but has to realize that it is an exaggerated image.

It is especially during “mom’s sensitive days” that I have had to purposefully apply the principles we outlined yesterday.
No cop outs women! We are passionate creatures, but this passion generally needs a little curbing a few days a month.

God bless!
Betsy and my man