“So I turned my mind to understand, to investigate and to search out wisdom and the scheme of things and to understand the stupidity of wickedness and the madness of folly.” Eccl. 7:25
Seasons. God has laid out seasons of life for us to live and grow. Each season comes with its own set circumstances, relationships, joys and challenges, specifically purposed by our Lord to groom you and me….to “grow us up” as we live out our lives for Him, now and eternally.
Currently I find myself in one of these “growth spurts”, only it’s not the kind of growth spurt that our 3 kids are experiencing this summer. (Now at 6’6” (son), 6’4” (son) and 5’7” (our “baby girl”)…who would have guessed that at 5’10”, I would be the soon to be shrimp of the family?!) No, my growth spurt has little to do with up or out (praise God), but rather within and with Him.
…When in these “growth seasons”, my Shaun and I have learned to ask ourselves a few questions. For although the circumstance(s) and relationship(s) confronting us may at times appear to have little to do with us, we realize that God has allowed them in our lives for a purpose. (And every so often this purpose really has nothing to do with us except that God knows others are watching, and need an example. ~~ For instance, aren’t you and I glad we have folks like Joseph, Job and Ruth as examples for us?)
God orchestrated events/relationships beckon Shaun and I to ask ourselves these 3 simplified questions:
What is God showing me about Himself, His character, His will, and His ways?
What is God showing me about others/myself and our need for Him?
Where/what do I need to change/refine, and how can I apply these lessons to my life now?
Last week one of our sons gave me a homemade card for my birthday. A portion of his note reads, “I love you Mom. On the outside you seem like any ordinary person (you say dumb things by mistake and don’t always act like you want to), but you always try to become better. We all see this and it makes us drive for a deeper desire for Jesus.”
Wow. Humbling…Words like this make me want to “pursue holiness” as author Jerry Bridges writes. Bridges says in his book, The Pursuit of Holiness, “The word pursue suggests 2 thoughts: 1st, that diligence and effort are required; and 2nd, that is a lifelong task…Holiness is a process, something we never completely attain in this life. Rather, as we begin to conform to the will of God in one area of life, He reveals to us our need in another area. That is why we will always be pursuing – as opposed to attaining – holiness in this life.”
I know that Joseph, Job and Ruth were not especially jazzed in particular seasons of their lives…each of them had serious doubts along the way. (Can’t you just hear some of their prayers as they called out to God regarding their bewilderments and frustrations? Some of these cries are even recorded for us…God knew we’d need ‘em!)
And God was faithful to meet them in their need every time.
Likewise our Lord is intimately loving and faithful for you and me, meeting us every single step of the way. “For great is His love toward us, and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever.” Ps. 117: 2
God bless you this week!
Much love,
Shaun and Betsy