“…do not worry about what to say or how to say it. At that time you will be given what to say, for it will not be you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.” Matt. 10:19-20
Just as Jesus prepared His disciples, He prepares us…by His own example. Jesus didn’t worry about His future or about accusations from legalistic foes, but instead chose to stay focused on God and God’s mission for Him. Jesus remained steadfast in intimate fellowship with God, and ministered to the folks who needed Him, regardless of what the effect of their slanderous remarks had on His personal reputation.
In the same way, through His Spirit in us, Jesus beckons us to remain steadfast. Steadfast in our intimate fellowship time with Himself, steadfast in the unique call He has placed on our life, and steadfast in loving ministry towards others who need a touch of God through us. God desires His light to shine with power through each of our lives. He wants to illuminate the darkness through each of us, in our unique areas of influence. And it breaks our Lord’s heart when He witnesses one of His beloved kids (us) succumbing to outside pressures or internal insecurities.
The psalmist in Ps. 119:161 exclaims that he diligently chooses to keep his heart tenderly in awe of God’s Word, despite the fact that his peers persecute him without cause. To me, this scenario likened to present day bible teacher, Beth Moore’s judgmental foes. I am so proud of Beth. ~ Despite negative opposition from legalist peers, she persistently seeks God’s will in her life, wholeheartedly and relentlessly avails herself to be refined and molded in God’s hands, and then acts upon what she believes God is calling and directing her to act upon, rather than succumbing to other believers agendas for her.
Remember, it’s a whole lot easier to live within a ‘legalistic rule box’, than it is to live in the ‘Lord’s freedom box’ which necessitates incessant comprehensive dependence upon God. So the first question is, when living for God, do we desire “easy” or do we desire God’s best for us?
The next question is, how are we doing in relating these principles to our own personal life callings? ~~ How do we conduct ourselves with our unsaved spouse? With a rebellious kid or relative? With our believing but legalistic employer who judges every breath we take? ~~ Do we succumb to internal and external pressures or do we, with the psalmist, choose to keep our hearts tender before God, and draw our strength, wisdom, guidance and peace from Him?
Do we, like Jesus, remain steadfast in intimate fellowship with God and minister to lives in our sphere of influence who need a touch from God, regardless of the effect other peoples slanderous remarks may have on our hearts and our personal reputations?
If the answer is yes, then we truly are living by God’s power flowing through us, and we don’t have to be concerned about outcomes. For if we have done/said (or not done/said) as God leads us, we have peace knowing that we’ve done what He’s asked, and HE’s in charge of the results. This is a life of power and peace, freedom and joy. And this is the life that our Lord offers to each of us.
Blessings this week!
Much love,
Shaun and Betsy