“Josiah removed all the detestable idols from all the territory belonging to the Israelites, and he had all who were present in Israel serve the Lord their God. As long as he lived, they did not fail to follow the Lord, the God of their fathers.” 2 Chr. 34:33
One man’s influence for good: Appointed king of Judah at 8 yrs old, Josiah began truly seeking God at age 18, and the Lord says He hears his pleas from heaven. At age 20, this bold young king begins to purge and cleanse his country, and at 26 years of age (after a copy of God’s word was found in the Temple), Josiah’s faith became an all consuming fire.
In studying Josiah’s life recently and having 2 young man-children of our own, we’ve been struck by the intensity of this young man’s faith in spite of the societal pressures that surrounded him. This young leader lived a bold life of faith…purging his land from evil practices of his day today, which in today’s terms would equate to our modern day porn industry, the abortion industry, the worshipping of idols like today’s idols of power, beauty, money, intelligence, and societal embracing of “tolerance” over righteousness.
Wow. Could we in our wildest dreams conceive of a present day U.S. President discovering God’s truths for himself in such a way that not only changed his personal life, but caused him to lead a revival to all the U.S. of A. in such a dramatic way as to cause the American people to destroy and eradicate our porn and abortion industries, obliterate idols of power, beauty, money and intelligence, and seek Jesus with all our heart, soul, mind and strength?
Well, this is exactly what happened in this segment of history … One man’s leadership and influence changed a nation.
Perhaps our individual roles in this life may not appear as divinely dramatic, but if we are walking in the life that Jesus has individually set out before us from before our life began (Ps. 139:13-16; Eph.2:10), we will be divinely “successful and prosperous”. (In a nutshell, this means we will be blessed and have “acted with prudent wisdom and accomplished that which God intended” Jsh.1:7-8. ~~ Very different from society’s definition of success and prosperity, isn’t it?!)
In light this, 2 of the coolest miracles happened to us this past week. We will be brief in their explanation, but we think you will be totally blessed, and jazzed to see how God will do similar things in your life this week as you avail yourself wholeheartedly to Him!
First miracle: We were in Mexico, second to last day of our trip. Shaun, our daughter and moi had been in the sun and fun all day, and our daughter wanted to stop by this cool shopping area she had seen. We strolled by a ‘pharmacia’ and decided to purchase some anti-biotic ear drops “just to have it on the shelf in case” (we are all swimmers). Wouldn’t you know it, just about the same time we were purchasing this ear medicine, our 2 sons were out on the ocean boogie boarding double over-head waves (storm off shore), and a boogie board mistakenly hit our Conner in the ear, rupturing his ear drum. WELL, in God’s amazing providence, we had medication in his ear within 30 minutes of the accident. And when we got back to the States, the doctor said that 1/3rd of Conner’s ear drum is missing, but that the drops he had been using were ‘the best on the market’, and because of its immediate application, he should have a good chance at full recovery!
Second miracle: Because we returned from Mexico mid-week this week, 3 days into the new college quarter, our eldest son sadly found out that he had been dropped from 3 of his 4 classes at UCSB. He hit his knees big time… As the week wore on, he was able wiggle his way back into the graces of 2 of his professors, but was still 4 units short. It was now Friday night, a full week into classes, and Kels had come to the complete end of his talented self. He had been praying fervently for days, but nothing was materializing and he was looking at summer school 2010 unless a miracle happened. Enter God……To help alleviate some stress, Kels went for a night swim and a hot tub at the UCSB Rec Center. He said the stars were out and there was not one person around. That is until a gentleman joined Kels in the hot tub. Kels sparked up a conversation, one thing led to another, and turns out this man is a young professor of one of the classes our son was trying to get into. This professor took such a liking to Kels, that he decided to make room in his class and that he would give Kels a private tutoring session in his office to catch Kels up with the class! (Oh, and this new class “happened” fit perfectly into Kels’ existing schedule. UNREAL!!)
Kels called home ‘pants lit on fire’, quoting one Scripture verse after another, and then exclaimed, “Can you believe it, GOD would send a professor in his bathing suit to me, and then arrange the details for a perfect fit?!!!”
God is amazing. Truly amazing…so infinite, yet so very intimate.
Have an incredible week, live life for HIM, and be blessed in His Hands!
Much love,
Shaun and Betsy