“This is My command: Love each other.” John 15:17
Entering another person’s world, discerning and identifying this person’s needs and desires, then loving this individual at the point of his or her need doesn’t “just happen”. ~~But this is precisely what it takes to effectively love another: take our eyes off ourselves and see another soul through the eyes of God.
A friend recently shared her sadness regarding the lack of the Gen. 2:24 “leave and cleave” in her marriage. As she spoke forth her heartache, I was momentarily transported back in time to my parent’s home 20 some odd years ago…….Shaun and I were there for a family event, and as we were about to leave, Shaun put his arm around me and told my parents what a lucky man he was that he got to marry their Betsy, and how proud he was to be her husband. (He did the same kind of thing in front of his parents at a separate time.) ~~~ Such a simple statement, but a statement that communicated VOLUMES to all hearers…and one that communicated love to his wife at the point of her need!
This love commandment is a “God-thing” and thus requires a “God infusion/transfusion” of our souls. This week, will you join us in this simple prayer for those most dear to us in our lives?
“Dear Jesus, please help me. Help me to see the people that You have placed in my life, through
Your perspective. Please help me to get my eyes off my self-centered insecure self and see
these people closest to me through Your heart and lenses, and not my own
(…people like my husband/wife and each of our kids, first and foremost).
Please help me to cherish, value, and treasure each of them … to individually identify with their
specific needs and desires, to identify with their hurts and disappointments,
and to fully share in each of their joys.
God, You have placed some very special people in my life; help me to see each one as a special
Gift ~~~ (even when “a particular special gift” gets all muddied).
I know how much I desire to be understood, validated, and comforted, especially when I’m acting
ugly. Please teach me how to be there for others in this same manner,
and to ask for forgiveness when I biff it.
Lord I need You! I can be such a self centered idiot! ... Would you please help me to have divine
perspective of my own life?
Help me; help me learn to love others as You do.”
Blessings this week,
Shaun and Betsy